The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

7 years after that quote the fel-power induced green glint turn into glowing golden eyes.

You have quite a thing for High Elven eyes, care to join our team so you can play a blue eyed untainted Thalassian elf?


Your quote is outdated by current lore.

Sunwell = Gold Eyes.

So unless you get them from something other than the Sunwell it will never happen.


“Ultimately, it is a matter of time before the fel-power induced green glint reverts back to the blood elves’ regular high elven eyes.”

Yup, blood elves with blue eyes sounds great to me.

Prove it.


Prove it.

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You can have gold eyes now. It’s from the Sunwell.

Blizzard said so.

Blizzard said so.


Which will also include blue eyes soon.

They never said you couldn’t have blue.

they never said you can have blue.


Says who

When was the last time Blizzard even hinted at blue eyes for Blood Elves? Actually, have they EVER hinted besides that one quote from 7+ years ago from an employee no longer working in WoW that you refuse to source likely for these reasons?

And do you understand what “burden of proof” means?

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Not according to the lore. Just your wishful thinking/trolling.

And you can’t so what does that matter?

They just told you Sunwell = Gold Eyes.

This is done. Quit trolling.


agreed. they need to remove green and implement blue and gold to reflect the new sunwell

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No need to lie.

“Ultimately, it is a matter of time before the fel-power induced green glint reverts back to the blood elves’ regular high elven eyes.” - WoW Dev team

WoW dev team.

Not everything can be instantly implemented as we’ve seen. Look how long it took for them to implement a gold eye option.

Blue will be here sooner or later. :slight_smile:

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I agree. Blue should be default with gold being the additional option.

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Did you actually care about Blue Eyes for Blood Elves or you guys ask that because it could conveniently shut the High Elf demand? I have to say that it wouldn’t, and both of you seems to use golden eyes on your Blood Elves, so what’s the deal?


“Corruption from fel energies takes a long time to wear off. It’s why most orcs are still green even though Mannoroth is dead.” - “WoW dev team”.


This no longer applies because the devs have said Sunwell Eyes = Gold.

As stated by the video by Blizzard.

This is over. It’s a non factor.


They haven’t added blue eyes for seven years. That means the Developers don’t want to.

I’m kidding. I’m just turning around a common troll argument thrown against us.


the new sunwell is arcane/light empowered. so blue/gold eyes should be the option and green taken out to reflect the new cannon

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Well, go make a thread elsewhere and ask for blue eyes. This is the thread asking for Quel’dorei to be added as a playable Alliance race.


According to the latest developer comments you can be “Purified” by the Sunwell and it turns your eyes gold.

According to a comment made eight years ago they’ll eventually turn blue but it takes a long time.

That means that their eyes are naturally turning blue again just as fast as Orcs are going to stop being green.


Yup, Its been long enough to get golden eyes, so blue eyes should be here soon as well. In fact it should be the default eye color and green should be completely removed.

I do care, blood elves default should be blue and an additional option should be gold.

Prove it.

Right? How hard is that to understand? LOL

Not according to Blizzard.

I’ve linked you the video enough. Not my fault you want to ignore the actual lore.