The Unofficial Fyr’lath RNG post

I’d be less frustrated if

  1. Death Knights didn’t suck
  2. Heroic fyrakk wasn’t such a nightmare to pug
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I think a big part of the problem is that legendaries are like other highly unique items - they are simply fun to use with no alternative. When a boring stat stick is BIS, the players who most enjoy getting a big number in details at the end will be excited to get it, but I suspect most players who value how their character feels won’t really feel the same excitement even if they use it because they want to perform well amongst their peers. Whereas most of these unique on-use or proc items are simply satisfying when they go off, and even if they were tuned to be in line or even worse than the boring stat stick alternative the latter group would still chase it. Having the super unique, fun item also being the super BIS performance item means both groups will chase it and any alternative will make both camps feel dissatisfied with not having the shiny toy.

I get the frustration over the axe, but has there been any proof that warriors (and paladins and DK for that matter) are tuned around the axe? There are specs above and below the specs that can use the axe on the meters, and if the axe-wielding specs truly were tuned around having the legendary then shouldn’t the average performance across the entire player base put all those specs at the bottom? I mean across all mythic groups for the last day (to account for the buffs that went out this reset), both fury warrior and ret paladin are in the top 10, and unholy DK is in the top half as well; go to heroic to find ret paladin is top 3, and arms warrior joins fury and unholy DK in the top 10.

Unless Blizzard has confirmed the specs are tuned around the axe, the data just simply does not seem to bear that out in any way.

Where do I learn axe spec as a mage

They have all the actual drop data and it probably is right where they set it. In any RNG situation there will be people 2 or 3 standard deviations from the mean who have “bad luck” . You can make a post here about it and all those 2 and 3 delta people will confirm your experience but that doesn’t mean the actual rate is not what they wanted.

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My guild is seriously over the raid at this point but just like last season we all log on each week and blast the place because we want our friends to get the shiny.

We do this gladly,but just like last season the people we’re doing it for are so apologetic when doesn’t because they feel guilty about wasting our time.

But we’ll keep doing it because by hell or high water our friends will get this damn whether they want it or not!

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Either they terribly balanced or they’re balanced on the legendary.
While you can’t know intent, it’s trash either way.

Dks and warriors have not been much present in high keys in M+ anyway.
Ret is mostly there like aug as a support.

The last buffs if anything are a proof that they were undertuned, they are not anyway an excuse to say that for most of the season they weren’t balanced on getting the legendary. Getting some tuning after .5 patch is pretty much some pity tuning.

That’s fine, my point is that people are trying to pin that tuning solely on the existence of a legendary despite there being no evidence that the legendary had anything to do with it. You won’t find me objecting to you asking for buffs for the specs that are underperforming, it just seems like the people who insist poor tuning is because Blizzard is expecting them to have the legendary are folks looking for excuses for that poor performance.

I play a feral druid. My spec is just as non-existent in M+ and we aren’t exactly lighting it up in raid, we’re just the best of the bad options for top end groups to get mark. And I don’t even have the slim hope of getting that orange texted weapon one week to help pull me up out of the doldrums…

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If you get the heroic orb you no longer can get the normal or lfr orbs that week. Heroic has the max bad luck protection you can get.

So assume you can get a max of plus 3 to your roll for the heroic orb, normal would be plus 2, and lfr orb is plus 1.

If you do heroic first and no ax drops your done for the week unless you do mythic. Each difficulty has one dice roll in it for the ax.

If you do a heroic kill you roll your normal and lfr rolls with your heroic ax roll.

Im more discusted than frustrated by this legendary, this predatory tactic is pathethic, they give you invisibe boost that wont be disclosed to increase your unknown chance to get Legendary. This is just backbone of trying to keep platers subbed for as long as possible, hoping that next week u will get it, surely next week will be different when u have 10 more embers. U dont want to miss out on plate Legendary do u?? Next one might come after 13 more years again. So u better sub and do raid.

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As much as I hate to admit it, I always enjoy reset day for that reason. There is a possibility I just stop the game after I loot the axe.


If you do heroic first and no ax drops your done for the week unless you do mythic. Each difficulty has one dice roll in it for the ax.

Wait, you mean I dont have to do Fyrakk in normal and LFR if I did HC? That sounds ridiculous. I would imagine there is an axe roll for LFR, 1 for NM and 1 for HC, so 3 total. But if I do HC I just wasted 2 rolls?

So…what about the other specs that got buffed or other specs that remain undertuned despite not having a legendary?

Are they tuned around an invisible legendary maybe?

Are you gonna tell me that they are well designed?

What is the point here?

You think that this is a gotcha that makes it better?
It makes it worse.

No, according to how it was posted from Blizzard, it will roll as if you had completed those difficulties. The idea being you only need to do the highest level of content for the same chances as doing all the others.

I think the main point here is that the classes that have the legendary available are generally near the bottom, until they get the legendary and then they become average.

The bigger point here is that the legendary is not making any of the classes that can have it feel OP or better than anyone else. It’s a broken leg until you have it.


I don’t think the legendary existing and class tuning has anything to do with each other is what I’m saying.

It’s a forum reach at best.

Since 10.2.5 tuning and this most recent set of buffs, the classes with the legendary available are no longer near the bottom. If we look at the last week in mythic, 3 of the 5 DPS specs are in the top half of specs. Looking at heroic, 2 of those become top 8. And if you look at over the past 1 day (to remove the remaining logs from last week), the 5 specs move even further up the chart.

There may have been an argument suggesting the axe was a reason for undertuning of all specs except fury warrior prior to 10.2.5. But with current tuning, there is just no way to make such a claim. And as more get the axe, those numbers are likely to just go up even more.

Even setting the current data aside for a minute, there are a lot of specs that are not doing much better (if any better) than the specs that can use the axe, and they have nothing to look forward to. I will agree that specs should never be tuned around a legendary item and can empathize with those whose tuning is so bad they need a legendary to compete. But unless there is a clear gap where all the specs that can use a legendary are lagging behind everyone else, the other specs near the bottom don’t even have the prospect of getting a legendary with massive performance boosts to look forward to.

And that reach is better than the even worse terrible tuning it would mean if it wasn’t.

We have 19 consecutive years of not great tuning.

I have no idea what players are expecting at this point, but whatever it is, it isn’t from WoW.

You need to take into account the DPS of the legendary and item level increase. If you look at 95th percentile of statistics (where most of those top performers have the legendary) and subtract 8-15k DPS (AKA subtract the leggo DPS) from plate classes, you’ll find most specs that can obtain the legendary will fall to the bottom 1/3 or 1/4 of the charts.

Is it substantial? No of course not, but it’s quite evident that the classes/specs would universally be near the bottom (or below “average”) without it. Another thing to consider when applying the logic is that there are plenty of classes performing better than the classes that can get the legendary- Fury warrior is the only class on top in a single fight across all of the mythic fights at 95th percentile - and the mass majority of those fury warriors have the legendary.

Going back to my original point, it’s not making any of the classes or specs OP - thus if it’s not making anything OP or even top, and only average/slightly above average (in most cases), then I think it’s fair to state that the classes are balanced around it unless Blizzard thinks that plate DPS should always be on the bottom. Which, historically, we can say is not the case.

5% of people (even at the top of the chart) having the legendary seems pretty high to me, if I’m being honest. Is there any way to see what percentage of players have the legendary?

The main point I’m trying to drive at is that assuming plate DPS specs are balanced around the existence of the legendary solely because of the tuning of a raid seems to be a lot of confirmation bias. As someone who mains a spec that is chronically undertuned and that hasn’t had access to a legendary weapon since TBC, it seems far more likely Blizzard just took a swing and missed for plate DPS. Warrior and DK has not received a mid-expansion rework like rogue and DH, and ret paladin got nerfed pretty hard during S2 and between S2 and S3 because of how broken their rework was perceived to be. There are a lot of explanations for plate DPS being low on the meters, and given where most land on the meters across the levels most players exist after Blizzard has buffed them since 10.2.5, the existence of the legendary seems to just be a narrative for people to get upset over.

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