The Unofficial Fyr’lath RNG post

Because if Blizzard were to reply this question, there would be an immediate and enormous forum outrage unless the answer was 100% legendary drop rate (which it obviously is not). So, they would be basically shooting themselves in the foot by answering it.

Blizzard want the loot to be RNG upon RNG so people will spend many hours to grind. They only give us a better option when the complaining gets too much.


I got it last week. I ran it every week and full cleared lesser blp tokens.

It’s designed to increase time played metrics. It forces you at the min to kill fyrak at the highest level you can and farm lesser tokens for increased raid time played when we otherwise wouldn’t. As far as blizz is concerned the rng is working as intended.


I was at 9 greater and 17 lesser. No drop this week.

10 weeks is more than excessive.


If they designed the BLP algorithm/code, but it’s broken and they haven’t realized that yet (case in point they just hotfixed in a title that was supposed to be granted by 10.2.5 storyline that’s a week old) then they are accidentally building disappointment based on what they think is the truth.

Reception to the legendary axe drop rate has been poor at best. One would think they might want to comment, even if just to refute all the player sentiment that BLP doesn’t actually exist.

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That’s a long way to reach the same conclusion I did. There is a big difference between lying and being mistaken about the truth. Even our broken legal system makes a distinction between the two…

Oh for sure, please do not take any of my responses to be an implication that Blizzard is nailing this customer communication thing. I wasn’t even justifying Blizzard’s communication of a BLP system. It’s just the reception to a low drop legendary was very obviously going to be poor, and the only reason to even add a BLP system is to try to soften the blow (whether it worked or not). To straight lie about the existence of the BLP system would just be unnecessarily throwing more fuel on the fire for zero benefit.

I agree. I got burned out and tired of seeing ppl play on alts and get it that I stopped my subscription. I can’t justify paying people to design a game with a system that is wildly unfair and has no clarification or explanation for its design. Good luck to everyone that continues this. I really hope you get it while there’s still things to do with friends and stuff or before the next expansion


Even though it’s obvious, like literally every other class based legendary, maybe Blizzard needed to post in bold glowing letters “not everyone will get this legendary” to help with all the crying.

Just kidding, nothing helps with the crying playerbase.


Well the drop chance for the Fyrakk the Blazing Mount Transformation is like what? 1.27%? let’s say and this is off the top of my head that 3/10 players are qualified to loot the axe based on their class, and 10/10 players are qualified to loot the Mount. I see about 30 Fyrakk the Blazing for every 1 Fyr’alath I see out and about. I understand the numbers I provided are not exact and there are a lot of variables (such as people transmoging the axe off, alts, standard deviation, etc) but just eye balling it around Valdrakken could give us a Ballpark drop chance on the axe. BAsed on this wicked rough estimate the drop chance would be around 0.3%…which eyeballing that math really bumms me out now that i know my chances are slim to none…


It is still basic RNG odds. The point being is we have no idea, mechanically, how the BLP works. We don’t know how much each token is increasing our BLP by or even if it’s applying in the same week we get it and I think Blizzard, knowing how important it is to loggers and proggers and meter humpers and how specifically the no life tryhard community will do everything possible to maximize their odds should just give the actual information how mechanically it all works along with practical numbers so people have the relevant information to work with.

There is literally no reason for me to raid on this DK save for getting the weapon at this point. I could be bringing different characters or working on other things but still go because BLP is a thing (besides the social aspect of playing with people I enjoy spending time with). Heck I still would believe it is mathematically in my favor to get an LFR and normal Fyrakk kill and the BLP shard before doing heroic just for the multiple rolls despite supposedly me getting all my BLP doing heroic first.

But if the BLP doesn’t apply until the next weekly reset and doesn’t actually require looting/consuming the tokens and even just knowing how much these piles of BLP tokens are actually increasing my chances would be…I don’t think that is entirely unreasonable.


i can answer this.

because the second they clarify it, you’ll hit “reply” and complain.

radio silence keeps the complains down. While it’s not zero, the less we know, the less we get to complain about.

if we knew the % drop, think of how many false statistics and bad math we’d post about why it’s not a good %.

I stopped caring about playing the “chase the BiS relentlessly” or whatever game long ago and most of you should, too (unless, you “need” the legendary to push Mythic raid progression and that’s debatable). I aim for whatever gear I need to help me meet my in-game goals and stop when I achieve my objectives. I neither have the time nor the inclination to grind RNG systems for specific temporary power boosts just so I can help Blizzard fulfill MAU quotas.

Play WoW because you find it fun. Stop when it’s no longer enjoyable and makes you stressed or mad (especially if it’s over pixels attached to a random lottery system).


this is the way.

don’t chase bis when it’s not justified. Enjoy the journey, not the destination.

We need it to be a legendary quest chain like Shadowmourne, Dragonwrath, Fangs of the Father but have the quest items be personal loot instead of group loot.

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Since they put the Legendary in after the first one was made. Ive killed Fyrakk every week on Normal and Heroic, and then LFR once it was released. Gotten all the Greaters in all LFR/Norm/Hero ones, and probably about 20ish or more lessers in Heroic, and still haven’t seen it. RNG is RNG and feels bad. Considering ive seen freshly leveled toons get it on their first kill. : / Had a newly leveled pally come into heroic for the first time. Get his Curve, and an Axe.

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If you do heroic, you get the normal and LFR greater bundled in it. You also have the 3 rolls for each wrapped up on the heroic roll for the ax.

Im aware, But we don’t raid until fridays for my group. So i knock out LFR and Normal on Tuesdays, cause it’s like 20 minutes for LFR and like an hour ish for normal.

my only complaint is that i got it on my warrior and not my ret pally :unamused:

Just saying that they don’t stack and only the heroic one counts.

Then why do the other two drop if they don’t count? I know the Heroic one would be the best to get. But if i’m not doing Heroic yet, why not try on the other two difficulties?

All I’m saying is that Blizzard should at least come out and comment , say something instead of just flat out ignoring us. Jeez they keep pushing buffs and changes to the Axe etc and yet no comment on the % and why fresh alts are getting it first runs in compared to mains who have farmed the raid since it became available.

And yes I’m upset because I’m a player who likes to push high end mythic and mythic +. And currently this season doesn’t really favor warriors much. Between afflicted and incorp weeks where warriors are absolutely useless to deal with the affix , combined with other classes doing twice and in DH and BM doing triple our damage. The Axe matters . Especialllt also because we are tuned around having it .

And yes , I’ve made it to 3300+ io without the Axe, and majority of it was through pugging which I don’t mind , I’m a career pugger lol . But it sucks not having my character live up to its full potential because I’m tuned around a weapon that has a lesser drop chance then Invincible from Ice crown .

Honestly , just make it so the Axe has a chance to appear in the vault from the raid and mythic slots heck even the PvP slots and that I feel like would relieve some of this fake BLP stress

Last I checked the Axe wasn’t called Time- Lost dream render