The UI Is The Final Straw For Me

I bet you were really sad that Ford was no longer making the Model A.

Horseless carriages are a fad. You can’t replace the dependability of a horse. No one will get into these things.

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Here’s a step by step visual aid to help you:

Make sure all the action bars you want to see and have available are enabled in the options>action bars section.

Once you’re in Edit Mode, simply click the action bar you want to resize. This opens up a second window with options specifically for that action bar. Adjust the Icon Size option till the bar is at the size you desire. You can also hide the gryphons and bar scrolling arrows as well here.

Hope this helps!

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I’m fine with the new UI.


Not particularly, But I do miss the look cars had in the 70s, there’s an ascetic that’s missing. Much like the current UI is missing charm.

Its ok for people to like and want different things.

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its not that bad. heres some help though

You can move everything but the bag bar. You can even place your character portrait in the top left if you so desire

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nah i hate it, i really wish there was an option to not use it. i get it has a classic default thing but its still not the same

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t literally takes 10 minutes to customize a URI people need to grow up


you can literally put it back to classic derp

The UI is fine, it’s not that different.
You people are WILD.

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I have the classic setting and they are not at all the same as the old. my main complaint is that the bags are absurdly small as are the icons beneath them. neither are movable or changeable.

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I honestly don’t think it’s that bad. I’ve seen worse lol


I wasn’t able to move the xp bar. Ended up going into bartender and creating a monstrosity spanning the entire bottom of the screen to compensate. Did I miss something or did they not put the ability to move the xp bar in the game?

and by the end of the day there will be posts all over the place with the export text so we dont even have to do it ourselves lol

I love it, much more than the base UI!!

There are 3 kinds of people.

  1. Those who find spending endless hours setting up addons and customizing them to be inspirational;
  2. Those who use straightforward addons that are ready to go and have minimal options;
  3. Those who don’t use addons, have been satisfied with the default UI all these years, and don’t want to spend weeks customizing the UI for every alt.

The people who have always loved monkeying with addons are the ones who are currently attacking players who want to play the game rather than doing online research to see how to set up the UI on all their alts so it will be usable for them.

This change was designed for people like you without consideration of how it would affect players who have no experience or interest in dealing with customization as you do. I wouldn’t be surprised if the game loses players over this.

I would be very surprised if even one player who is now required to muck with their UI interface for the first time ever became addicted to searching on the internet for answers and trying to make this work ended up gitting gud and doing hard content because of this. What’s definitely not going to happen is us folks with vision impairment aren’t going to git gud at seeing those new nano icons.


No, folks aren’t attacking anyone
Just lots of folks on GD who says “This is the final straw” after having had a “Final straw”-moment ever since these forums were created … or at least since they became as toxic as they became over a decade ago

The UI hasn’t ever been updated
Folks wanted the UI to be more customizable, its now more customizable, so the minority of people on the forums are now complaining about it
Like it always goes on with these forums

Not everyone is going to want to learn a new UI. Not only that, several people found the original UI to be amazing. Tons of people never downloaded addons to change their UI.

I’m not against the new UI. But blizzard should have made it an option rather than forced. Many people loved the original UI and never downloaded an addon to fix it.
I personally had dominos for several years. I wanted my UI in a specific way. I spent hours getting it right for me.

Now Dominos doesn’t work - hopefully just waiting for dominos to update so I don’t have to worry about it. But do I really want to spend hours fixing and setting up a UI when I had already done it before? Hell no. Even if the new UI is identical to dominos, I’ve already spent that time, I don’t need to redo it.

Personally I like the new UI overall. My only real complaint, and a big one, are how small the bags and buttons below them are now. I do not now if it exists, but a slide bar scale feature in the options is needed for that group.