The truth about "Orc Fatigue" "night elf fatigue" "Human Fatigue"

Please for the love of god no.

Night elves fatigue is quite a strange phenomenon if you look at it from a wider perspective.

If you didn’t take part in warfront you hardly saw any NE story in BFA.
If you didn’t choose Night fae you almost didn’t see night elves in SL.
In DF until patch 10.2 we had no NE content except one quest with Ysera.

In each of these expansions they were a B maybe even C plot. They were never important in the main quests.

Night elves have never been the lead race.

In BFA there was a strange soap opera between Saurfang/Anduin/Jaina/Sylvanas, later Thrall.

In SL we have a group led by Bolvar, wanted to save Anduin. Funnily enough, we see there Jaina/Thrall/Uther again and later Sylvanas (what?)

The entire DF had dragons as a main characters. Also I saw a lot more Khadgar in DF than Tyrande. NE in Dragonflight were more used to sacrifising leaders, killing their own people and giving aspects the main stage. We’ve never seen any night elf confronting Fyrakk.

Guess what characters will be in the spotlight in TWW? Anduin, Thrall and Alleria. A Human, Orcs, and Thalassian elf. Again…

I was always happy to see the night elves content. It was a welcome change to see someone other than the main 3 races. Why anyone doesn’t call NE content a nice break from the eternal reign of Orcs or Humans in the main narrative? :pensive:

Sadly writers don’t want to write about them and always put them aside when something important happen. The best example of this is our fight with Jailer. Tyrande should be the top 3 characters that MUST fight Zoval. From the very beginning of introduction they showed him as a mastermind behind Sylvanas. She has been hyped since the Burining as the most powerful mortal on Azeroth. In SL we learn about the destruction of Old God by the previous night warrior and we see the doom guy Tyrande killing everything in hell. Champion of Life vs ulitmate Death force. We don’t have a better candidate to fight wow Satan in terms of motives, lore and power level.

But for some reason, instead of her, we fight Jailer with the help of Thrall without Shaman powers, Sylvanas without any magic and Bolvar without the helm of domination. They didn’t have to put her to sleep but bliizard decided otherwise, her presence would make more sense than others heroes.

Or the final fight with Fyrakk. Fire dragon wants to destroy HER tree, given by HER goddess, filled with the souls of HER people. But at the end only aspects are presents? Why is she absent? She still has NW powers? Same power who can defeat Old God. How did she know they wouldn’t fail?

There is no answer to this questions. Writers ignore NE when they really have a chance to become main characters on purpose.


Yes, if we are not getting high elves as an AR race, I want Amani trolls. I want to see the forums burn!

You do understand that the Amani absolutely hate both factions right?

I don’t see them joining either side, unless it’s a rebel faction tired of being killed

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So I’ll guess you read one sentence in the post and juyst skipped the rest, assuming you knew what you were reading. Because given your own post, you seem to think I was talking about Night Elves leading the expansion, which… Is a take, I supposed.

But no, we were discussing content themed around specific races, and the abundance of “night elf content” overall compared to other races.

BfA had the Darkshore Warfront and Nazjatar; reclaiming one of their zones, and a zone with heavy undertones around night elf history.

Shadowlands had Ardenweald, where we dealt with the entire Night Warrior arc for Tyrande, concluding with her choosing renewal.

If you need me to tell you what content focused on a future night elf home in the current patch, then really there isn’t a point. Try Dragonflight?

And if we go back a little further, we have three of Legion’s five release zones dealing with hefty night elf themes and/or history; Azsuna, Val’sharah and Suramar.

When we’re talking about “X-race content”, we’re not usually talking about which singular NPC member of that race was front and center during an expansion. Unless that NPC is Baine, because Baine is about all the tauren get outside of finding offshoot races.

Like, nobody would call BfA heavy dwarf content, even though Magni was very prominent throughout.

It’s interesting that you feel you’ve seen more of Khadgar than Tyrande. I barely remember doing the quests in the Azure span a year ago and honestly thought you were confusing him with someone else until I looked it up. Outside of the questing in that zone, the only time I ever saw Khadgar was when he was among the cameos in the ED questline’s semi-finale. Meanwhile, I keep seeing Tyrande all throughout the Emerald Dream.

Oh, people complain about those races too. By now, normally I assume you’re someone posting on a troll avatar, but it seems you are actually new around here. But the title of this thread is a giveaway; notice it mentions those three races? They’re the most overexposed ones.

It’s hard to call night elf content a “nice break” when it’s part of the sheer dominance the three races maintain, and quite frankly the quality of content they recieve.

Any night elf main will tell you they’ll be happy to have a break from night elf content in TWW, because for every nice gift night elves recieve, seven pints of blood and at least three pounds of flesh are taken.

Orcs wish they hadn’t gotten the content they’ve recieved. Going from “it was the demon blood that made you do evil” to Cata/MoP/WoD saying “well, actually, maybe you’re just designed genetically to be evil and only ever needed an excuse and a charismatic leader” wasn’t very fun.

Human fans are more a mixed bag. Some love how everything paints them as simply the best, the shiniest knights in the entire world, better at everything than anyone else (except for druidism… So far). Others would rather see a more nuanced take.

But trust that seeing night elf content as a break from the human/orc content doesn’t feel like a break at all for most players around here. It’s just a part of the same cycle that marginalizes the roles of other races beyond those three.


Allied Race race?

This is an actual serious question, because that’s all I can think of AR race being.

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People use the term AR races sometimes:

Its like chai tea. Sure its redundant but I am tired of the prescriptivist take on language(I am even trying to let go of people saying cannon instead of canon, if they want to shoot lore, go for it)


Oh, I’m not doubting you. I never noticed it before is all and wanted to make sure I knew what you meant. I just wanted to make sure I got what you were saying.



People keep saying “Oh, we’ve had so many expansions in a row with NE content.” but don’t bother to mention that a lot of that content is B or C plot, and you only saw it IF you did specific content.

Dragonflight is literally the first expansion where there is Night Elf content that everyone is doing via the Emerald Dream patch.

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I’m going to respectfully disagree with you, under the understanding nothing I’m about to say is meant to target you or as a slight directed at you.

But no, it isn’t.

Naz’jatar dealt with some very important night elf history, and was definitely required content. You can certainly argue that it is also nightborne content, but pretending it isn’t anything but extremely relevant to their race, complete with ruins littered about that are nearly indistinct from night elf architecture, would be dishonest.

Prior to that we had Azsuna and Suramar, both again featuring that deep night elf history, and Val’sharah which though druidic in nature, features night elves very prominently, complete with your walk-through guides being the two racial leaders of the night elves. Azsuna and Val’sharah are both part of the leveling experience, with Val’sharah being especially important due to the Tears of Elune remaining relevant post-leveling and required to unlock artifact weapon appearances which, given they were the new big deal of the expansion, cannot reasonably be argued as unimportant. Suramar could be skipped, especially if you didn’t care for flying, but it was considered endgame content at release, so it’s absolutely important.

There’s a part of the 9.1 campaign where you’re dealing with Tyrande’s whole night warrior business going awry, but for the sake of a good faith argument, we can just wash that.

That’s still three of the last four expansions, each with at least one full zone involved in the endgame experience, all revolving around night elves, their lore, their history and their future.

Dragonflight isn’t the exception. It’s a part of the trend.


Okay, I’m going to respectfully disagree with you here, because Naz’jatar isn’t really Night Elf content. Night elf-adjacent at best, because the main focus of that content is fighting Naga.

Claiming that you’re engaging in Night Elf content when all you’re doing is fighting Naga in the ruins of a Night Elf city, is like saying you’re doing Human content when fighting Vrykul in Northrend or Stormheim.

I’m not going to touch on Legion, because the OP didn’t mention that expansion and neither did I.

Eliminating content based on the enemy type is a poor way to judge which race is most related to the content. By that reasoning, Teldrassil itself ceases being night elf content, because you mostly fight furbolgs and harpies.

Naz’jatar must count, because those naga you’re fighting are former night elves, servants of Azshara, the woman who most affected night elf history and society beyond any reasonable argument. You are fighting those naga specifically to work to foil Azshara’s plans. Azshara, the once-queen of the night elves who shattered the world. Azshara, whom all our night elf heroes once fought a rebellion against.

You contrasted this by arguing Northrend and Stormheim should, if held to the same metric, qualify as human content, but I dispute this reasoning; while Vrykul are the race that eventually beget humans, humans themselves do not have a history with vrykul. Anduin, Turalyon, Genn, none of these characters have been deeply and personally affected by the leader of the vrykul. You cannot say the same about the naga and Azshara. The human-vrykul split isn’t even a major moment in human history; to the point, we don’t even have a story there, beyond knowing it happened.

Most of the enemies we face in the Emerald Dream are not night elves. Most don’t even have long ties to night elves. They’re elemental dragons. In spite of this enemy type, we all agree it’s night elf content because Amirdrassil is important to the night elves.

Stopping Azshara is also very important to the night elves.


Uhh… no?

You’re making a really weird argument here. Teldrassil is quite literally a Night Elf zone. Like Val’sharah is in Legion. Even though we do not fight Night Elves (outside of the spirits resurrected in Black Rook Hold) and we’re fighting harpies, furbolgs etc.

Naz’jatar is 90% Naga. We’re fighting Naga, we’re surrounded by Naga infrastructure. Are there Night Elf ruins? Yes, are there Night Elf ghosts? Yes. But is there a vast amount of ‘Night Elf content’? No. Hence why I said ‘Night Elf-adjacent’ and even that is stretching it.

And again, if you want to argue that because Naga evolved from Night Elves, that fighting Naga = Night Elf content, then technically Night Elves evolved from Trolls, so Night Elf content is Troll content.

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I was trying to follow your own logic that Naz’jatar didn’t qualify as “night elf content” in spite of its historic link to night elves, based solely on fighting naga. If the argument is weird, it’s because the argument it followed is weird.

Naz’jatar isn’t night elf content because naga are former night elves.

Naz’jatar is night elf content because of the history at play. Ruins from Zin’Azshara. The site of the first Well of Eternity. Azshara herself, and her servants.

I don’t know. I just don’t. If you don’t see why Zin-Azshara, why Azshara herself is so very closely and very majorly tied to night elves, then further discussion is just pointless. If you still simply cannot see why this zone is important to night elves, is a piece of night elf history, then…

Well, frankly then I just don’t know.


Yes, as admitted yourself it’s featuring night elf history. It was 10,000 years ago. Today’s night elves are not the same ones who lives 10,000 years ago. These are two completely different nations. Elves once lived in a city are definitely more closer to the Blood Elves in terms of culture and magic. So we can we say Nazjatar is a blood elf zone? Aren’t the blood elves also are direct descendants of the highborne that lived in capital?

Nazjatar is a zone of nagas, not night elves or other elves. Maybe we have a night elf there in the form of Shandris, but for some reason the main representatives of the Alliance are Jaina and Genn.

Zandalar has a rich history and is important to all trolls, but you won’t say it’s a Darkspear zone. Do the many ruins and troll ghosts across Azeroth belong to the same tribe? no. They different in culture and the ways of life. Just as the trolls divided into tribes, elves also divided into smaller groups. You can’t say they are all one.

Wait, wait, wait, Tyrande was conscious during the final battle with Jailer and she didn’t go to fight him?! :skull: For some reason I was sure we exorcised her after defeating Jailer. That’s why she was absent. How could I forget about it! How blizzard could forget about it!? This just shows how much they don’t care about the night elves.

Actually, they literally are. Tyrande, Malfurion, Shandris, even Illidan?

They all were there. They fought in the War of the Ancients. They remember Azshara. Tyrande even throws her name out at Thalyssra as a low-key warning. The nation of the night elves today is filled with those who survived Azshara, and given whenever her name is mentioned, it’s with heavy negative connotations? She’s still very important.

Like, this isn’t some distant history to these people. This was their childhood. This was all within their lifetimes, and itr’s not like they’re going to just forget the queen who literally blew up the world.

I really don’t understand why some of you want to pretend the site that has literally changed the night elves as a people, first when it turned them from dark trolls into night elves and then later when the queen they actually remember being their own queen betrayed all of them, and nearly destroyed the planet itself, that this site is just…

Nothing whatsoever to night elves. It’s just a naga place. No further importance.

Of course I wouldn’t.

Because the Darkspear tribe never lived there.

But let me ask this; is Argus no longer important whatsoever to the draenie? They haven’t lived there even longer than Zin-Azshara sank beneath the seas, so clearly they have no further interest in it, right? Velen was just overreacting when he went there, the draenie who went with him and kept getting emotional were being dumb because this isn’t content relevant to them?


Problem here is that a whole ton of the main night elf characters are quite literally the same ones. I mean, when playing Alliance in the zone, doesn’t Shandris talk about her time living there in some quests?


Outside a few specific characters, like the mage from the kaldorei heritage quest who were born not that long ago, nearly all the Kaldorei are 10k+ yrs old. It’s not some entirely different nation that suddenly doesn’t remember who Azshara was or is


I missed this on the first go-around, so let’s address the massive flaw in this analogy.

High elves are descended from highborne, but.

They are physically very different. Society-wise? While less different, the differences are still there. Even their lifespans are radically different; except for a single outlier, every high elf with a known history was born well-after the high elves were firmly established in Quel’thelas and the entire War of the Ancients was ancient history.

Asking if Naz’jatar should count as blood elf content is like asking if any troll content should count as night elf content. Which is clearly utterly ridiculous, yet for whatever reason, people don’t want to think the same about high elves and their offshoot races.


Point is this.

Naga are a very different race and they have a very different culture. They may have a shared history that goes back 10,000+ years, but that’s where the similarities end. Saying ‘Naga content is Night Elf content’ is foolish for that simple reason. There’s nothing connecting the two races but ancient history.

If we’re going to claim that because the Naga were Night Elves 10,000+ years ago, that all Naga content is Night Elf content, then we can actually go even further back, because as I said in an earlier post. Night Elves evolved from Trolls, therefore, if we follow the same logic, all Night Elf content is Troll content.

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