The next AR races are likely to be Jinyu/Ogre

This is a statistical argument. It’s not necessarily what I want but I’m basing it on a few things:

  1. I caught this modded screen grab over the weekend: [Can’t link, but search “modcraft (dot) io” for the topic: " Topic: [PAID] New Races From Creature Files (Read 1396 times)"]
  2. This would be a fairly easy model swap. Kul Tiran are Ogres, and the Jinyu are the zTrolls.
  3. The Stonemaul Clan has been in the Horde for awhile now, and the zTrolls are the most popular frame for the Horde ARs.

Given how easy the lore would be, and how light the lift would be for implementation, I would put money on them being the next race. There’s some hesitation I had since (it’s alleged) that the zTrolls model is the Nelf model, but to me the zTrolls look a lot more developed, and the Jinyu have a more tribal aspect, allowing that model to be Shaman.

While it’s unlikely the Stonemaul would have Paladin, I think its no more of a retcon than Tauren and zTrolls having the option. Anyway, just some food for thought on a Monday.

Feel free to try and change my opinion.


No more allied races. All they do is cause people to whine when they don’t get what they want and then whine that there are requirements to play them.


I feel like this is a 21st Century mentality. People complain so lets just stop doing it.

Who cares who complains? Even arguably the worst AR - Dumpter Gnomes - I see those damned Roomba’s everywhere. Some folks love them and more options>less option.


But the flag placements in both embassies, as well as the character creation tab being able to perfectly fit one more on each side at the bottom has been bothering me.


Most likely options left are Ankoan and probably Rajani or something undead.

Ankoan even have a perfect banner for the embassy and race tabard. You can see it hanging around the outskirts of mezzamere. The flag with the bladed edge and folded fish flag.

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Allied Races are just WoW’s version of Smash DLC.


Would they be based on the zTroll model?

Still want 2 headed ogres played by 2 players


Ankoan use the Night elf frame.


kinda flimsy reasoning… some one on a mod forum wants a mod made and the skeletons already exist.

I could see Ankoan simply because they have all the right animations, mounted posture, etc in the game already so they’d be easy and with azshara “defeated” they are sort of rudderless now so I can definitely see them going Alliance AR.

For horde, I don’t know… Ogres have been requested since vanilla as a playable race. They’ve historically been horde, hell… they came through the dark portal with the original horde. The fact that they’re NOT horde is unbelievable to be honest.

So… while your argument is flimsy, I still feel like they’re the most likely “next allied races” if we get something before SL or at SL launch, unless they throw some curveball with SL launch like Sanlayn and lightforged undead or something to theme it to SL.

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Based off the Jinyu model. Which is just a modified nelf male skeleton. Just need to change some animations.

You are saying my argument is flimsy based on 1 of 4/5 points. Your argument is flimsy.


You’re flimsy!


Also, I’m fairly certain it’s canon that the Stonemaul Clan is Horde.

For horde, I don’t know… Ogres have been requested since vanilla as a playable race. They’ve historically been horde, hell… they came through the dark portal with the original horde. The fact that they’re NOT horde is unbelievable to be honest.

Yes they are.

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Do they have reason to be Alliance? Honestly asking. I did not play WoD or Legion.

Please either take a bath in vinegar, or scrub yourself down with some castrol.

Seth’Rak for Alliance or quit adding Allied Races. Seriously.


They are but they’re sorta… screwed up. They’re broken up into 2 groups, one group broke up even more due to some weird leadership disputes, and the other group is still sort of without proper leadership. They’re allied with the horde but not really ‘part’ of the horde. Making them an allied race would be easy since it would just be making something official and bringing Rexar back in to take control of the ogre clan. Something that should happen anyway.

I legitimately have no idea why they aren’t horde playable already. I think one of the early arguments was ‘size’ but honestly, going with KT size would still make them smaller than Tauren I believe. I think they have all the animations / rigging for mounts, etc, in place and gear already has textures for them.

I suspect you’re Horde, asking for a second Mog-destroying race to be added to our ranks.

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