The true end of automated multiboxing is upon us

They have to get caught first and Blizzard has to actually do something about them. Half the time you report someone, nothing happens. They’re still there days later.


My favorite Multiboxer to watch

Look at all the gold farming he’s been doing /s


“Well, we can clearly see an army of Belf paladins marching through this battleground, and they appear to be attacking at the exact same time but our cheat detection couldn’t make out any hardware or software related anomalies so I guess they’re free to go.” yeah, right.

I value my characters too much to toe the line. You do you

Exactly actually lol

So do I and I wouldn’t do anything if I thought it would get me in trouble. Don’t input broadcast and you’re free to go :+1:

We can revisit this when Blizz says “Multiboxing is actionable” and not “input broadcasting”


He’s paying more to gain an advantage from what I can see. Looks like P2W and I’m glad this is getting nerfed again.

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Well, see, a lot of people are dumb.


I’m not flagging them though unless it’s trolling or derailing the topic, which they do often.

So because we can’t define trolls, I can’t call them that? The TOC groups trolling in with those causing disruptions on the forums. I agree that the term is loosely used, but that is what it is. Trolling is a catch all phrase. I have been temp banned for ‘trolling’ a number of times, despite my comments being nothing close to. I get it. In this instance, they are simply posting to disrupt the topic in any way. That’s trolling.

It will help curtail it as it wasn’t as clearly defined as it is now. Prior, it was simply the broadcasting software, Now they are covering a wider aspect of what multi-boxing was and is. To that, they specifically address multi-boxing in this announcement. The previous announcements were more about the software and it’s affects and not specifically multi-boxing. It’s much more clear now where Blizzard stands.

As such, it’s open season on reporting these players.

The advantage of single handedly clearing a m+10 by taking on every role? This is playing with a handicap.


oh my god people. At this point I think some of you are just trolling with this.

every time you buy gametime with gold by purchasing a token on the AH, another player purchased that token for $20 and put it on the ah.

they are not losing money. they are making more.


They’ll just find another way around it.

This is a war Blizzard isn’t equipped to win.

Ohhhhh yeah. It’s late and I’m stupid. Imma delete that post now. In my defense though, I never sell the tokens for gold, I only buy them with gold.


they actually sell their gold. so they’re gonna lose money

Im going to multibox humans, ill sit behind them in a room and tell them what to do. it will be glorious.

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Well let me rephrase here, because i did explain later on that while i do lean on the side of free speech, i also want it to be protected and not have the people silence each other. So i apologize if the point is muddled.

If they are misusing the flag feature to silence other people because they dislike them, then sure. Flag them and show them it’s not okay to do that.

If they are just trolling, just ignore them.

I will cop to the odd wording i used there, but what i was saying was that the word “troll” has been thrown around at anybody for literally anything, even if it’s nothing even remotely that, it pretty much lost it’s meaning. I mean what exactly constitute trolling is different for everybody here and there. It’s even been used as a reason to silence or ban somebody out of simply to hide the real reason.

I mean that’s understandable, but again i personally think that goes beyond the trolling stage and into malicious territory here and i do think there needs to be a distinction between the two.

And i agree with that, that is a perfect example of trolling, if it’s just that.

But if somebody is posting to disrupt the topic in any way and use the flag button to take out people dislike, that’s no longer trolling, that’s being malicious.

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If someone is willing to run around on follow and tab to individual clients to loot that’s all fine with me.

Was never anything too terrible with multiboxing it’s always been the automated part.


Just sayin.

I’m putting my money on the people actively looking to plunder Blizzards ship than the captains who refuse to even step on their own deck.

I’m kinda surprised.
The first policy change said it was to target bots and a blue on the CS forums even confirmed that it was okay to use hardware after the software ban.

I feel bad for anyone who invested in the hardware between then and now.
Doesn’t impact me as I just do the /follow and alt-tab if I do run two or three accounts at once.
Still it seems odd to go after the multi-box players when bots are a much bigger problem.
Bots don’t care about bans or rule changes and don’t even rely on multi-box tools to do what they do.
All those Druids riding Druids are still going to be there tomorrow, next week, next month and even next year.



I will always multibox! This change means absolutely nothing to me.


I already do that. Nothing will change for me.

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