The true end of automated multiboxing is upon us

It does not need to be reported to be discovered. Reports were primarily used to verify if that character would be “caught in net” when the next ban-wave hit. If the character reported was not detectable by the current algorithms, they modified them until it was detectable.

They did not do one-off bans as not to tip off the bot writers as to how they were detected. This is why it seemed as if the reports being ignored, they were not. It was helping but just not as people expected.

reports have never been ignored.
…but blizzard don’t go checking logs to find out who is looting what, and where, and when.

which is why bunches of bots always avoid the net.
(feel free to go look outside Botanica if you don’t believe me)

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Hopefully on private servers only

Did Mortis put you up to that one? …hic!


Yea. That is exactly who wanted that one.


Some day they might have one where I can report people who want me sober…hic!


Hardware id is easy to spoof

Don’t send them all at the same time, add small random delays.

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I am an alt-tabber also, on the infrequent occasions when I do my extremely lame dual-boxing.



Don’t worry Yesuna I’ll still be boxxing :smiley:

Nope, Kaurmine is fine, I wasn’t using Hardware I was going to though :smiley: This is good though since it saves me from having to buy 4 more PCs and my state recently legalized the home cultivation of a certain plant I can put that money towards more grow tents :laughing:



Tell that to the people that couldn’t get around hardware bans with OW.

I’m no expert, so I can’t say if it is easy or not.

All I can say is that the whining about it by supposedly “computer knowledgeable” cheaters who couldn’t get around it was fairly epic.

Lots of bluster and claims about how Blizzard was “hacking” people’s computers/illegally invading privacy as that was “supposedly” the only way to obtain the evidence, information, and ability to prevent workarounds.

It’s so awesome seeing trolls end up also being multiboxers and complaining so hard.



I myself don’t multibox, but I have staunchly defended it in the past. I figured, it’s their money. If they wanted a unique way to play the game they should have at it.

But now, mutliboxing is banned. It’s completely official. LOL

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Salt is always entertaining :laughing:

Good news is GOOD!

GJ blizzard!

I am bestowing upon you the highest honor I can give.
3 clap emojis used without any irony or sarcasm.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

It’s not actually, just as it wasn’t before


Without using either hardware or software, it’s pretty much a done deal.

You can buy multiple computers, each with multiple keyboards and multiple mice, and duct tape them together. That would be considered boxxing VIA hardware. It’s for all intents and purposes a done deal, unless you happen to have multiple arms protruding from your torso.

It’s over.

Multiboxing is nearly synonymous with pay-to-win. Whatever hamstrings it and makes my playing experience better - I’m all for it.


You can’t broadcast input via hardware or software, you can still multibox


nah, i’m good.

you = anyone who wants to

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