I have two friends that have been running 3 clients at once but changing the active window to control one client at a time and they have never heard a peep out of a GM. They have even been whispered by people saying their reported them. They are out to get people who are still using methods to automate their game play. If you don’t cross that line you should be fine.
I never get this when I box
Not allowing multiboxers in war mode could have fixed a lot of the problems. I’m not a fan of multiboxers, but I’m not sure a 100% ban was the solution. Mixed feelings.
Good riddance.
The world (of warcraft) is a better place without it.
It used to be a lot more niche, like I might have seen 3-5 the entire time I played from patch 1.6 up through 3.3.5. I’m talking about that level of niche.
Could you imagine if Prepared was still 40 man multiboxing and hearing this news? These forums would be aflame rofl! Had some epic battles with him back on Darkspear during WoD in Tanaan.
I have to say I’m glad Blizzard is stamping out all the degenerate gameplay.
Hopefully selling runs is up next on the chopping block.
“Never do anything good unless it 100% solves a problem. If there’s no quick fix, give up.”— Zeno, 2021.
Nah nah nah nah…
Nah nah nah nah…
Hey hey hey…
so is doing raid content to achieve the same goal… ban everyone that joins a raid also blizzard.
That post makes no sense. Individual people bringing single toons to a raid aren’t trying to gain an advantage by paying more per month.
I feel like this is why your opinion, while a valid opinion relative to yourself, is so far off the mark compared to most players that it’s hardly a worthy opinion outside of Blizzards accountants perspectives.
“I have 5 accounts, which is down from half of what I had. Oh, also, I have this one account I pay $15 a month for just to talk on the forums.”
As though you couldn’t have used any of the normal accounts to talk on the forums. The fact that you had 10 accounts puts you so far beyond the normal player as to be useless to most of us. The fact that you consider only having 5 accounts to be a set back puts you even further away.
I feel like boxers think they’re part of the community then they say stuff like this, and the above beyond it, and don’t understand why no one is interested in their opinion.
“Oh no I have to stop using 5 accounts”
Pretty sure this is next to “First World Problem” in the dictionary.
It’s beyond first world problems, honestly. I don’t have a term for it but it’s not just excess, it’s like… first world gluttonous problems.
Well fixing it this way only damages actually players rather than real gold money exchange buisness.
Multi-boxers have long been decried as problematic in their own right. PvP has always been an option to screw them up, right?
Except now that’s not an option anymore. Now they can operate with impunity and so long as they don’t flag (why would they?) no one can actually do anything about them locking down an area.
It’s almost like Blizzard has finally realized that boxing isn’t great, but it’s even worse now than it used to be.
You provided the remark to your own post
It might make it easier for them to detect who is actually using bot hacks with this policy update.
Literal 0 IQ take.