The toxicity towards new players needs to STOP

You’re not there for XP, and the reduced danger will make it easier for her to learn.

Yes, wow is full of judgmental tools, unless you know what you’re doing. And the current state of “Zerg Normals”, she won’t even get a rotation off before everything is dead.

So no one has ever read that besides you. and that also goes for the new players who are inconsiderate of others. Like it was there to make some people feel better but no one follows or reads it and they dont enforce it.

And yet, you’re here. :smiling_face:

That’s split between like 5 games.

Okay so after a few dungeons is she LEARNING to stay out of bad stuff? Doing better DPS? Sounds like she isn’t by your post.

learning takes time. game has been out decades and some people are only now learning it. It wouldn’t hurt people to be chill anyways. Nobody knows the situation on the other side could be any number of things going on making it difficult. If the person is genuinly trying and not being toxic to the group then whats the harm. It’s not like a mythic key is getting wasted here.

I taught my girl how to navigate Nokhuds Offensive after our first time.

During the first time multiple people tried to kick her before they left even after I explained what was going on despite being the healer and my buddy whose been playing for a decade being the tank.

WoW has a serious community issue.

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It’s not something to be enforced. It’s a reminder of basic pro social behaviors for people who may have forgotten how to be kind.

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And part of that is doing your own part and learning and not expecting to be carried.

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Cruelty is a kindness to oneself and a teacher to others.

I don’t wanna drag a might as well be afk player through a dungeon as they pull extra packs because you refuse to have standards.

Part of being kind and engaging in basic pro social behaviors is sucking up toxic attitudes and being perfect at the game from the first? Okay.

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Go in followers dungeon. They made these dungeons exactly for new people or solo players. Use it.

It’s not that complicated. Yall seem to think theres no middle ground between patience and abusive instruction.

Bro you kind of did her an injustice by letting her play one of, if not the, most tedious range DPS spec in the game. Start hunter, learn the game, then expand. Blizz honestly need to put some sort of “new player start here” sign on certain classes. Mashy classes without cast bars.


I’m saying hold yourself to a basic standard. I don’t teach people how to wear a shirt and shoes when they are kicked out of gas stations. Im not gonna teach players not to run into mobs and not be afk.

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It’s because WoW doesn’t have a decent new player leveling experience. I’m sorry but pushing new players into an advanced expansion is dumb no matter which expansion they choose. Mechanics in these things have developed over 20 years and throwing a completely new player into them is almost always a disaster, especially if that person has little experience with the genre in general.

It is in todays gaming environment tbh.

If you expect the worse you’ll rarely be disappointed.

My advice to you is that you and your wife find a guild, they’ll help you without the added toxicity.

It’ll take some effort on your part, do some research etc but it will be worth it, it’ll change the game for you both, and for the better,

Sorry you both suffered here, it’s makes me feel bad that it’s WoW players doing this, it’s sad really.

Anyway, don’t be shy, guildies will be nice to you, life will improve, find a Guild and go have some fun.

Good luck!

Leveling spriest is god awful at teaching your rotation. It’s a spec that is designed to function at end game.

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I HIGHLY recommend you and her use follower dungeons in order for her to learn the game. You are not going to find many groups in LFG that are going to simply wait around while she stumbles around and you lag behind to guide her. I get it, I do, everyone has to start somewhere, but this is simply the way people are.

Use the tools the game has added so that she can learn in a better environment than with random idiots on the internet, and only start stepping into pugs when the both of you feel more comfortable in doing so. Trying to force her into it right away is only going to leave a bad taste in her mouth about the game, if it hasn’t soured the experience already.

Your ONLY solution is a friendly guild.

Joining LFG will NEVER give you what you are looking for.

Make some friends and get in a guild. Run dungeons with your guild or do follower dungeons.

Looking for group and cross server LFG was the worst thing that happened to WoW. It created the environment for the toxicity. It’s too easy to get a group and that makes it too easy to kick people for no real reason.

Stop trying to have fun with complete strangers that don’t care about you at all. Make some friends and be part of a community.