The toxicity towards new players needs to STOP

Amazing how there is 4 threads on this very topic right now, and here comes part of the toxic community to tell them how to play.

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Absolutely second this. Finding a good guild is going to make the new player experience way better, and doing content with people who want to see her grow and enjoy herself will make the learning period so much smoother for the both of you.

I don’t think it’s toxic to suggest maybe not starting on one of the hardest specs to play…

Offering solutions to a problem isn’t a bad thing. Even if blizzard read this thread and suddenly decided to somehow find the magic solution to make people stop acting like jerks behind a keyboard, something no one has figured out how to do since the internet has been a thing, it will take some time to implement that anyways.

Better that they are made aware of what options they have to make their time with the game better than everyone simply pat them on the back going “Yeah, that sucks I guess, people are mean.” and not actually helping.

That’s because it’s all made up, extreme exaggeration, or they actually deserved to be kicked 99% of the time.

I’ve done an insane number of dungeons over the years and it was extremely rare to see anyone get kicked unless they were pretty much afk. No one cares about low DPS in leveling content unless you are outright being a leach and pressing a single button at most and even then it’s rare to get kicked.

I find it odd how many people are pretending follower dungeons are not good for new players to learn. Do them if you are having so many issues to the point every group wants to kick you. Follower dungeons are a great learning tool, not perfect ofc. They are great for learning the dungeons at any rate and getting your basic rotation down.

I have yet to get kicked from a pug, because I’m actually pretty good at my role. But I do think that people need to relax and allow people to learn.

What is really disturbing is that the majority of the heroics I’ve joined have been dungeons where some of the bosses were already dead. Obviously that means the previous healer either left or was kicked. I have no sympathy if it was some healer who left because they didn’t get loot from a certain boss, but if they got kicked that is pretty lame. I don’t usually ask, not wanting to stir up drama, but it certainly does make me wonder.

I will almost always ask what happened if I join a group in progress. More often than not, it’s someone leaving without a word. I think people overestimate how often people are getting kicked out of pugs. Even in groups where someone isn’t really contributing, as long as the dungeon is getting done, most people don’t even care. Kicks only happen when someone is actively halting the progress, or sitting afk at the door.

For increased ground speed, put feather on an @player macro and use it like cheetah with 3 charges of slower duration. If she uses mouse to move, key bind it to a mouse button.

/cast [@player] Angelic Feather

The amount of toxicity in this thread regarding how toxic the game is, well, it’s not surprising but it’s severely disappointing.

People shouldn’t be going into normals with any expectations. Heroics? You should at least know your spec and be able to hold your own. But booting someone from a normal dungeon because they are learning the game is counter-productive and is certainly indicative of YOUR personality defects and not those of the person struggling/learning.

Can’t justify this behavior no matter how hard you elitists try. You’re only hurting the game by pushing the future of it aside.

Again, it’s not very complicated and there’s a middle ground between jerk and simp. If you want to argue otherwise then go for it but I’m not really interested.

It’s not that folks don’t sympathize. I’ve certainly been in your wife’s shoes.

I can’t help thinking that a manual DOT DPS class like shadow priest is one of the most difficult and complicated DPS class types. Plus priest is relatively difficult to level unless you’re healing in leveling dungeons, which isn’t a great move for a new player.

Is it too late for her to switch to an easier DPS class, like BM Hunter, Destro Lock, or Ret Pally?

No one is trying to justify it. People are offering solutions to your problem. Yes, people on the internet are jerks. This has been common knowledge since the 90s. You can either continue to be mad about it and let your wife’s experience with the game be terrible while you fight your losing crusade, or you can listen to what people are saying and use the avenues available to you so that she can have a good time with the game.

You aren’t wrong. It’s unfair the way a lot of new players are treated sometimes, but yelling at strangers on the forums isn’t going to do a thing about it.


While you’re right it is probably what she needs, the OP is right that the community is pretty toxic for treating people like this. It is how a game dies. If nobody in that game wants to play with you, it should be expected they reciprocate.

When we are worried about swear words, versus letting this sort of thing run rampant, there is a pretty serious issue of Blizzard’s priorities.

The only reason I voted to kick her from The Stonevault yesterday is that she started deflating during Skarmorak. That whistling sound was distracting.

Op, is she dead set playing a shadow priest? Seeing how she is new, maybe hunter? They are quite forgiving to play.

It’s not difficult to play at all it just doesn’t function without talents that you get later in the tree.

Maybe dungeons aren’t her thing unless she enjoys them. If she has thick skin then keep grinding till she improves. We all started at the bottom.

they teach mechanics, routes, what to expect.

What you don’t like is you don’t get rewarded enough. which means they are not for you. they are for teaching new players. You are essentially gatekeeping.

Heya, I’m here if you need a player! :smiley: I dunno if I’m supposed to post me’ bnet info on the forums? lol That a good idea? I wouldn’t know how to find youuu! But I’d love to help out. :heart:

I’m sorry if you guys have had a negative experience; it’s really awful when it’s happening. Some players can be cut-and-dried rude, and yet there are others that are really, very helpful and like to help folks out with anything. I’ve seen it! :slight_smile:

What do you want us to do about it?

Annastasi gave you actionable advice. Ideally you just get a static group of people willing to help, but that’s going to be much harder if you keep the “everyone in WoW is a jerk” chip on your shoulder.

Posting your battletag here is completely safe.