The horror of people having standards in a team based game
take at look at old Gods guild and Dicord site tons of info and frioendly folks!
idk why people think FFXIV is this perfect game and that there’s no toxicity in it. I join a group to tank an extreme once and when you do it for the first time you can’t skip the opening cutscene. That tells everyone that you’re new to it and they don’t want a newbie. Another time i joined a savage as a dps and someone just wanted to kick me. i asked why and they never replied. i assumed it has something to do with my DPS, which is funny because FFXIV doesn’t allow DPS meters because people use them to be toxic to others and you can got banned for that.
So the people going around saying The FFXIV is extremely nice can go stick it.
Spot on. Learning the route to the point of being comfortable with it is the hardest part of running dungeons. I so wish Follower Dungeons were around when I started. But even so, people have almost always been patient with me so I can’t really relate to this thread otherwise. Other than M+, but no one should really expect patience there, that’s where the pros go.
If you need to have standards over being a decent human being in learning/noobie leveling content I’d hate to be you irl.
Because when you play for free you cant talk to people so it creates the illusion people are extremely accepting.
I mean I also play FFXIV, every expansion since heavensward, and 99.9999999999999% of the time no one in FFXIV dungeons say anything other than “o7” at the start and end of a run unless you die like 10 times to the same mechanic or ask. Generally people aren’t being proactively helpful and it’s also against FFXIV’s code of conduct to be a prick. So being mean in dungeons could quite literally, get you banned.
The situation you’re describing is incredibly rare even in wow and OPs notion that it’s happening to them in literally every dungeon they q up for is complete hyperbole. If it wasn’t I would have seen this behavior by now in the hundreds of dungeons ive ran this expansion.
In real life im pretty hard core, No shirt, no shoes, no service.
Why do people pretend standards are something negative in general?
I used to have problems here as well, especially in the older game. In this case, the addon “Pawn” is a lifesaver – you can at least know if the items is in the ballpark for an upgrade and how much.
Who the heck is keeping track of dps in normals and heroics? Heck even mythic lower mythic +, who cares?
Odds are they were next to afk and deserved the kick
We both know there are loads of people who are constantly scrutinizing the damage meter for potential kick vote candidates. It’s just the WoW community.
For the OP: PUGging with a brand new player is asking for trouble. PUGs in WoW are, at the very best, hit and miss in terms of who you are getting, and in general they’re a terrible way to learn how to play.
Follower dungeons may be the other extreme for a brand new player.
What you really need is a new-player friendly guild where they go on guild runs and are happy to teach new players how to improve (if your wife is willing to do that). Otherwise, there’s always solo/duo content, and there’s more of that in TWW than there has ever been in expansion content to date.
i sympathize with op’s predicament but also find this inappropriately hilarious sorry bro
This is why I started playing tank when I got my wife into wow. Toxic members immediately get vote kicked. If the vote is declined we just leave and do something else.
It’s still weird to me how according to the forums this is an extremely common practice yet I never see it… I’ve seen people get mad in high level keys and kick people or raids kick out underperformers…sure. But gatekeeping heroic dungeons? I’ve ran literally over 100 of them so far this expansion and have seen virtually no such behavior.
Where are these people?! I’m down for us to group up so you can show me. Or at the very least can we get some video evidence of this behavior? Don’t most of you kids stream everything these days
Why don’t you teach her to play so the rest of us don’t have to suffer her presence in groups?
Every leveling to heroic dungeon I’ve been in where there’s a vote kick it has never been for low dps. Low hps yes, but never for low dps. It’s likely because your wife doesn’t understand that mechanics. Maybe that’s your nudge to help her out and get more comfortable with them.
Because they might not meet them and that means that your standards are exclusionary.
Which is always bad.
I agree with follower dungeons for a while. She may know the rotations, but they kind of need to be instinct when doing dungeons.
Practice is good. Even if it slows one down a bit.
You might also try starting your own group with the info of a beginner. As in, Beginner group for dungeons, no rush, learning here. Or something like that. Sure you might wipe a few times, but that way everyone has a chance to learn.
I have also discovered that on some servers players are quite toxic. Other servers, not so much. And a few servers either help or just ignore.
I started a new “family” of toons on a server I found that is very nice. Obviously there are always some that aren’t, but the majority are nice. I don’t chat much, but I like the environment that isn’t toxic.
If I ask a question, someone is always nice enough to reply. (I don’t ask much I usually Google stuff. But there are times when I do.)
Theres nothing wrong with using a DPS meter in FFXIV, it iss against the rules but its not enforced (technically things like G-Pose and reshade are also against the rules). They only enforce it if you use it to bully someone, and not even just in game apparently. IIRC they banned a guy because he flamed a guy on his twitch stream (like to his audience, not even in game).
Being “mean” in FFXIV is literally a bannable offense and it leads to most people never even saying anything outside of “o7” at the start of instances.