The toxicity towards new players needs to STOP

I am sorry man you into bad groups. Also thank you for creating this awareness of how the kicks are being used and not taking into consideration if the player is new or learning.

The community was not always like this. When I first started playing wow. I played a bear Druid, I did not know that you have to tank in bear form. The team asked me to switch to bear form like multiple times and then I was kicked.

See that was a valid reason. Now I am KS player and they are kicking me for taking a left turn.

Most of these kids won’t even make it to a plus 10 without forking out gold.

The community has gotten really worse and the vote kicking system we have now, it is pretty medieval.

We need a vote system with AI tools in place. And a proper punishment for vote kick abusers.

There is a player on this forum who proudly boasts of kicking new tanks. Players like that are toxic and not helpful for the community.

If it is you and your wife. Find one more dps and que until your wife gets better at this game.


Thank you, I did find this option!


You should be bringing along a friend, that’s what I always do with my friends is when they are trying a new class or spec and need time to learn I make sure there’s 3 of us regardless of roles so that no one else can vote kick them because we always have the majority.


Odds are if you rapidly fall behind, your group doesn’t need what little dps that item would have added. Best just wait at the end of the dungeon to figure it out.

Just telling people to use follower dungeons instead of being a decent human being is a core issue developing with WoW and why just copying features from other MMO’s does not work here.

Follower dungeons were designed so people could do the story mainly in other MMO’s not some substitute for human interaction.

Using them to just dump players that need help is a one way ticket to a declining MMO


The community is garbage that’s why they’re buffing deserter penalties.

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The toxicity towards new players needs to STOP

It won’t. There are too many people among the elites who see WoW as not just a job but a career and a calling. They think they deserve all the respect of real worriers who are defending their country. Not every top player feels that way but enough of them do.

The solution is to start giving top level awards for follower dungeons and delves. Then any group of friends, regardless of size, could have their own instance. The group of four who will kick anyone else can go their way, the guy trying to teach his partner or the solo player can go their way. Everyone gets to play, everyone gets rewards.

As a forsaken I’m a big fan of some toxicity it is good for the joints

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Not the solution you want exactly, but give FFXIV a shot. It has a mentor program, the player base is really nice in general, and y’all can learn something new together.


Sorry, but they were designed to learn your role and the dungeon…

Your new followers, whether supporting you or leading, will go at your pace allowing you to explore the dungeon and get comfortable in your role within the dungeon.

These companions will allow players to learn about Dragonflight dungeons at their own pace.

Follower Dungeons are a fun and easy way to sharpen your skills in Dragonflight dungeons, gear up, or spend quality time exploring with a friend or two alongside your new NPC friends.


Yeah, she gets 30 minutes debuff every kick which is GREAT.

Are you kidding me? The FF Fanbase is way more toxic that wow. If you vaguely criticize anything about FF, you are met with insane levels of hostility.


It’s the internet.

That space where you can sound off, be rude and treat people badly without any consequences.

Who knew we’d end up here?

The FFXIV playerbase is insanely nice to new players. There’s thousands of players that will gladly sit there and explain every inch of the game in detail. It’s probably a core reason why FFXIV has become the premier MMORPG

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Yes and no… depends on the content. The savage/ultimate raid community in FFXIV can be just as toxic, trust me. They also get REAL touchy if you admit to skipping the story or cutscenes just so you can raid… its the biggest sin you can commit.

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I rather be free.

This annoying positivity bullying everyone hold hands or else has grown tiring. I just wanna be free…thats not so much to ask is it?

As much as I agree with the OP, there’s definitely some exaggeration going on here. I’ve seen just as many folks be helpful as I’ve seen them be outright jerks.


i’m not sure what either of those have to do with learning. would she learn more if she got more XP from the dungeon? it sounds like she needs practice with basic rotation and situational awareness – both of which can absolutely be learned in follower dungeons, especially with somebody experienced helping her :slight_smile:

just to be clear: i think it’s great people are picking up the game and learning, and i would not vote to kick somebody in that situation. but everyone has their own goals, and not everyone’s goal is “help new players get accustomed to running dungeons”. some people are just trying to get an alt leveled quickly in what may be the only hour they have to play the entire day – i can’t fault those people for not wanting to spend 30 minutes in a 10 minute dungeon.


First off welcome back and to your wife welcome to the game, Secondly, if you are looking for someone to run with and help you both learn, there a re a lot of good people who have been around a long time that would be willing to help. I am one of those, I may not know a lot about being a shadow priest but I would be willing to run as a tank for you and help you both learn and adapt. Feel free to message me. Just let me know what server and horde or alliance.


This is such memey copium to compare to new players being booted from every group. I ran 3 people to help my GF learn and had a bunch of people straight drop group after we vetod their vote to kicks.