The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Sure you did. :clown_face:

All parses do is tell you how you compare to other people who also play that class. Parses is also how someone who wants to improve can look for information to actually get better at their class, for some this is how they enjoy the game. Having something to improve on is always going to be a driving factor for enjoyment, going from a mid parsing 50 to the top 5 percentile is a nice goal to have.

So to answer you question of…

Do you really need a 3rd party website to tell you if you are having fun in an MMO?

That isn’t what the website does, all it says is your performance in regards to other people who play your class. Performance doesn’t equate to how much enjoyment you get.

No one else needs to remember my parse other than myself, I can’t speak for everyone but I remember my parses, not every single one but my overall best. I remember being 0.1 off a 99 average in BWL, I remember trying to get 99’s on all Naxx 60 bosses. No one else will remember that because no one else cares about my parses, the only person who will ever care is myself.


Hey you asked, I answered. Don’t get in your feelings because you didn’t like the answer.

You didn’t answer anything you just made yourself look like a fool and continued being wrong about a useless topic which can be easily proven by countless people streaming the game on twitch this very minute.

You have to be the most inept nerd in existence if you are really going to cling to this argument you’ve lost a long time ago.


I mean, I’m the only one who brought facts and logic to the table, but you seem to be frantically trying to disprove what I said, without proof.

Again attacks me directly because you can’t defeat my points and proof.


You lose partner:

only in KR and only in Trizion training room. Game director said himself a DPS meter would only bring toxicity in the game

Checkmate nerd.

EZ game EZ life

Eat it nerd. Sit down. Check out. Take five. You been served.

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What? What is this? Is this… OH NO!!!

Yea I posted it again, because you don’t listen.

Only works in training room in KR.

Sit down nerd. Sit down nerd.

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Do you have proof to back that up?

I see you’re really getting upset, smoke a little dude. You’ll feel better.


Sit dumb paladin sperg.

Lol a reddit thread?

The actual program link, here you go.

Sit dumb paladin sperg. You been served.

I already am sitting, do you think I stand at my desk?

I’ll wait for some proof.

Honestly it should, how can you tell if you’re even doing the right thing if you don’t have DPS meters. It tells you who did the most damage at the end as MPV info but won’t detail how everyone else did.

It honestly just enables bad gameplay, but I guess that’s fine for most content but for the endgame raids it’ll pose a problem I’m sure.


Hahaha you lost. You are a sperg and can’t admit defeat. YOu aren’t going to win this conversation bruv. You can’t make me leave.

I’ll be here until your mom comes and tucks you in, in your my little pony jammies.

I lost? I have proof and you don’t though.

You are pretty upset for no reason dude, you remind me of this guy I knew… he was a strange little guy too.

Yeah you lost a long time ago…

How can I lose when you can’t prove me wrong and I have evidence? That makes no sense logically.

Twitch is proving you wrong every sec since your last post :clown_face:

Dps is rarely a problem in lost ark. Bosses have a lot of mechanics you have to memorize. You are constantly moving and dodging things. The main way to fail is from mechanics. The dps is always high enough. Every class can dps including healers.

A dps meter is not needed and not used because there are tons of other things to pay attention to.

This again? You gotta be a special case of dumb to believe a twitch streamer would stream with a dps meter up, knowing it’s bannable.

This attempt #4 or #5 now with that awful argument? You are making this easy for me.