The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Run away, because you know I’m right and can’t prove otherwise.

If you think you can make me leave you must be new here.

Your biting into a really cringe urge to be right here when you’re not. Yes a 3rd party dps Meter for lost ark exists. No one uses it, nevermind shares it with party members or use it to gauge anyones performance because it potentially bannable by smilegate as it is a dev banned system in the game if used as a metric to anyone’s performance.

  1. It is dev banned meanining it frowned upon and if caught with such extensions can result in a ban.

It is something that is not integrated freely into the game outside of the practice dummy room which there is a meter ingame.specifically to see your own personal Parse but not extended into world gameplay used to judge others performance because of the nature of the game (always moving, fight are incredibly dynamic, staying alive is almost always more important than doing consistent damage) therefore a.damage meter in world play is completely irrelevant since it will never ever reflect your actual Parse numbers on a training dummy, unlike wow.

Really pointless to be reaching here, these are the facts.

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You said you were tired of arguing… why would I stop when I know for a fact I’m right and you’re clearly upset about it.

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I’m still going to reply to you to make you understand you are wrong. It is rather tiring though.

You need proof first. :wink:

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I have proof, it’s called Twitch. :clown_face:

That’s not proof. If you’re dense enough to believe a streamer would intentionally use something illegal for the world to see and get banned. There is no hope for you intellectually.

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Poor guy blocked me I think cause blocks anyone not on a high horse I think :horse:

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It is you just won’t accept it.

Says the :troll: trying to use twitch as proof of dps meters when they’re illegal.

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Why did you block Stunbot. Are you mad someone is proving you wrong?

Right so damage meters aren’t integrated

Atleast that’s cleared up

If they’re illegal what exactly is he trying to prove lmao

Why did I block him? Probably because he was completely inept mentally, I don’t block many people… wish there was a way to track why, like a note or something.

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Lost ark is 20x harder than WOW will ever be and doesn’t need dps meters.


You blocked him cause you can’t stand someone agreeing with me. YOu must be body type 2.

Facts lost ark raids are pretty hard. I did a lot of pvp and pve just got tired of playing lol

Lol he was blocked before this thread… I mean if he agrees with you, that says a lot about his lack of intelligence. Which is a good reason to keep him on ignore.

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Sure he was. That’s why you called him my alt.


YOu are a sad worthless individual with a complex over me.

It’s blocking all logical thoughts from your brain and replacing them with pure rage.

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Most ppl in this forum are sensitive zoomies I wouldn’t ever take blocks personally

You said the person above and there was only you, refreshed the page and showed “view 1 hidden reply” made an assumption.

I blocked illogical thought, what are you talking about?