The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

I am starting to see the problem with logs now. Not sure what blizzard can really do other than ban it (with lawyers) or change the way the game logs data.

Also i am also finding that a lot of people tend to pad meters and play dangerously. Then they blame the tank. Almost always a warlock.

Warlocks dont have to do mechs, everyone knows that

They would have to outright ban all addons. Although I doubt even that would work since FF14 does that and also has logs.

I think blizzard has no play here at all.

Well not ban addons but change the EULA by stating that character/account activity is now private info and owned by blizzard and can’t be stored (or whatever legal jargon you want) and then C&D any website that logs characters data. Whether the websites listen or fight back is tbd.

I don’t think it works like that.

For example the MLB says they claim the rights to everything in regards to their sport, but nothing stops anyone from taking the stats of their sport and posting it. And that’s all logs are. Stats.

I could be wrong though. I’ll admit it’s out of my expertise, but I’d venture on saying they at very least do not care. Their lead dev is one of the biggest stat crunchers in the games existence. A man who was the one who showed blizzard that Cthuun was mathematically impossible to get them to nerf the fight.

Well Pro sports stats may have different levels of protections compared to individuals in a video game. Much like there are different protections for celebrities versus normal people when it comes to photographs and what not.

I think what it comes down is revenue. WClogs isn’t making or taking money from blizzard. Like with Pservers blizzard went hard after them because they viewed them as taking revenue from them while using their property to do so. WClogs is not doing that. Nor are they altering blizzards property

Looking into wclogs one can make their profile invisible but i have no way to test it right now. I guess they covered themselves on that front at least.

If you have a person logging they can make the logs private so only the guild can see them. Some people like that for reasons you and rascal voiced. And I get that. Then the logs just become a tool for the guild and not a measuring stick for others

That is what normal people do.

Frostfire the gray

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None of my parses are grey but keep pretending you know who I am. And I wouldn’t care if they were because I still get the loots.

BIS NAX weapons in 1st NAX I ever did.

You just jelly :slight_smile:

Bis Naxx weapons, full bis gear…but will still be Frosstfire the Grey.


Totally agree… Too much stalking from nerds on this forum. This would solve a lot of the nerd stalker issues.

I’m very old school, don’t use any of that or need the drama.

Also find it creepy when people here admit to looking up people.

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Dus thou even parse?

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Yeah that’s why you can’t use your main here because some nerd will take things too far and try and dox you because they got their feelings hurt.

I made a post about a friend being ninja looted and some people turned into a degrading tire fire about how he doesn’t deserve loot because he grey parsed. Toxic is an understatement. People are so fixated on min/maxing 17 year old content like it makes relevant

I’m ashamed of myself for spending more than 20 mins reading this thread.

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I’m sure somewhere in the 1000 replies this has been said but:

Your whole post is a contradiction.

No some people use a 3rd party website to tell them how they’re performing, because yes, in fact, some of their fun is derived from performing well. You’re actually projecting what “YOU” think fun should be onto others. Comparing executing strategic movement skills while performing a detailed rotation and performing mob mechanics…is not the same as any FPS game…

Outside of the very obvious “Let me tell you how you can have fun” measure of unsolicited advice, but if you’re living by this rule, then you’re playing with your friends, whom I’d hope had the same philosophies as you. Which means you shouldn’t be dealing with people who care about their parses?

Blatant controversial topic, with a dash of ignorance. Typically when someone is bothered by others showing some “achievement” whether it be an award, a new kid, a parse…or literally anything they are proud of…the only people that take offense are insecure. Do what the rest of us do…smile and congratulate them and move on.

No…not really. Most still won’t care past the passive “Cool dude”.

Controversial troll post rating:
Responses: A-
Delivery: D+
Content: C


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