The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Based off what? What are you basing this opinion on? Because I said anime is juvenile?

It has nothing to do with our previous encounters it’s just a hunch…

By all means prove me wrong

You are big mad and are lashing out at anyone who disagrees with you. We understand.

Oh, that’s convincing.

Prove yourself right before throwing out accusations.

Projection is sad

The streamer said parsers are bad and their achievements are worthless.


Makes this whole thread worth it just to have Asmon say that.

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You are big mad. LUL. Streamer hates your play style. Let the tears commence.

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I’m allowed to judge people…

You can’t stop me lmfao.

I think you’re a grey parser.

Maybe green.

You can think whatever you want. SOme dumb people think the earth is flat. Just like them you have no proof.


And the streamer hates you.

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He mentioned about 4 or so other streamers who all love parsing in the video.

If you took that group, Asmon is in the minority on him not liking parsing.

And if your judgement is based off a “hunch”, it isn’t well-thought out at all.

It is against the CoC.

Asmon is the biggest streamer and the one with the most influence though.

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Imagine being on Staysafe’s side and not Asmon’s side.


Asmon said your achievements are worthless and that you are a bad player, not probably are, he said you are a bad player.


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You mean like soda and rich and Esfand?

Who he mentioned all talking about their parses??

Yeah they both are clowns. Staysafe is by far the worst.

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Call the police then?

Nah we just going to point out the streamer said you suck at the video game.

He literally said no such thing lmfao.

He did however say you’re trash at the game, specifically YOU.


You parse so he said you are a bad player. He said your achievements mean nothing.

All he said about me is I probably suck but that is a probably cause he doesn’t have any data.

He directly said parsers suck. You parse so you suck.

Oh and your achievements don’t matter LUL.

He also said

Classic WoW wouldn’t be Classic WoW without a bunch of losers going around telling others how to play the game