The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

I can’t believe he’s ripping into you like this I actually feel bad for you

LIke i care what he thinks about my avatar. He made fun of your entire existence in WOW. He said your achievments are meaningless and you are a bad player because you parse.


Literally everything I’ve been telling you in this thread.

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He really isn’t though. Asmon is going to play it up for stream content, but what really matters is that Asmon generally agrees with the OP. This is pretty big considering Asmon’s influence over his fans and the wider Warcraft community.

We could see a larger trend within the community towards this idea that parses are toxic and those who attempt to parse typically play worse than those who don’t.

You literally didn’t watch the video then…

He agrees that he can play however he wants but at the same time he is not allowed to tell others how to play…

He legit said he hates on people do that try watching the video

No he said directly you are a worse player if you parse and your achievements are meaningless.

You should watch it again, if your fragile ego can stand it.

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I did listen to it it’s on my radio I’m on the way back to the terminal…

You’re just trying to cherry pick stuff he literally said he hates on people do the thing you’re doing…

He said your trash at the game that’s why you’re hiding…

And you can’t read apparently…

That’s neat, I don’t care and nothing in my post referenced that. My post is saying that Asmon agrees with the OP’s thoughts regarding PARSING. Asmon may not agree with the OP about policing how others play the game, but he does agree when it comes to PARSING. Which is all my post said.

Do you see how most of your problems are that you do not read things correctly?

Yeah I’m picking out the parts where he said you are a bad player if you parse and that your achievements at parsing in classic are as meaningless and of as little value in life as medals from 3rd grade sports.

Since those are very relevant statements to this thread.

Sorry your fragile ego can’t stand it.

You literally said that Op change the streamers mind about parsing…

And he even says when they were at a function literally every streamer there was talking about their parses…

Maybe I can’t read but you can’t hear

I did, he doesn’t like parsing and thinks it is bad. He said so numerous times.

Mad cause lonely and fat.

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The issue with what you’re saying is I never said you had to parse.

If that isn’t how you want to play then join people who don’t log…

The same thing he said…

Join a group and play with people who play how you like to play.

And your trash at the game he also said that

You are a bad player cause you parse and your achievements are meaningless.

The lord asmon has proclaimed it so.

Oh, so you’re shifting goalposts already, I see. That’s about all you can do now since you just showed you can’t read.

Ok, and he also criticized parsing and parse culture, which is exactly what the OP does. What are you failing to understand here?

You can’t do either, apparently.

I get you’re both Gray parsers actually you guys should hook up…

Join a team together… Think of all the gray parses you guys can get together and just not log them…

Kind of like what the video said…

Play with people who play how you want to play…

I’m pretty sure he didn’t like the culture before he read this thread unless you have a source saying that this thread is why he changed his stance…

Oh I’m sorry you don’t have that?

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Hahaha the streamer said you are a bad player and your parses don’t matter and you big mad.

The post volume from you has gone up 100%.

BIG mad your idol thinks you are a chump.

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In case you didn’t hear it he also said you are trash at the game… Literally you specifically

I actually haven’t given my opinion on parsing, which you’d know if you were capable of reading.

I agree with this and haven’t refuted it once, which you’d know if you read correctly.

He probably stopped caring ever since he started streaming. He has more important things to care about now.

No he assumed cause I am on alt is all, he has no proof unlike you where you parse and think it’s good.

He called your achievements literally worthless.

I didn’t ask for your opinion on parsing I just said you were a gray parser probably…

I mean even in the video he accused op of it said he was trash at the game that’s why he’s hiding he feels rejected because nobody wants to play with them because he’s trash at the game…

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You should go spam my main in his chat like the unhinged worthless person you are. So that some poor person gets bombarded with his fans.

It will be funny when it isn’t me and you look like a complete tool, even more so than you do know.

LUL you are a bad player as Asmon said and your achievements are worthless and you are lonely and fat.