The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

I believe that was directed at OP…

Dang he said he’s trash at the game and he’s a loser.

That’s crazy and true.


You mad streamer said your entire existence in WOW doesn’t matter LUL.


I’m laughing while holding BIS daggers.

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Yeah he was talking about him when he said it.

I can’t believe how fast Asmon saw thru OP and judges him accurately in less than 10 minutes.

In under 10 minutes he knew Frosstfire was trash at the game and a loser.

That’s crazy.

I’m so bad I have BIS daggers after 1 NAX and greater than 4k gearscore.

You on the other hand don’t have bis weapons, and got told you suck by a streamer and that your achievements don’t matter.

So you basically are a lesser player than me.

Parsing is bad but your just a salty boomer who use a pawn for streamers. Your statements on SOM being alive and was good prove it lol

Well he’s probably heard all the complaints over and over oh and a little extra quote from asmon regarding what reason he thinks Frosstfire is making this post…

If you look at this person here, they’re posting on a level 61 Mage. Which means they’re posting on their alt character.

Because if they posted this on their 80 character people would look up their logs and people would see that he’s not actually upset about parsing culture, but they’re probably upset because they’re so ****ing garbage at the game.

Nobody wants to play with them because of how bad their parses are.

So that’s 9 times out of 10 what this actually is. It’s because this person is literal trash at the game and they’re complaining about it because it’s holding them back because nobody wants to play with somebody has a verified trash gameplay on another website

It’s so funny hearing him say that.


Oh it’s great.

And it’s so spot on too.

How did I get used when I triggered them into making videos?

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Frosstfire is my hero. You just trolled the internet.


theyre making money off it, what are you making ?

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I’m farming the salt. It’s all I need.

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You think you’re the farmer in this situation?

Did you not hear what he said about you

Your tears sustain me.

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That’s crazy you let another grown man talk to you like that and you’re happy about it…

Actually insane he would have had to fight me

I’m farming gold in game and your tears on this forum.

You suck at the video game and your achievements don’t matter. Asmon agrees.

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He also agrees that you’re a loser and your trash at the game

No he said probably. He said you are definitely bad and your entire wow experience is meaningless.

He’s trash talking everyone, doesn’t get banned, and gets attention from wow youtubers, including asmon? He won, trolling or not.

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He even had Asmon call him trash at the game and a loser.

Yea I ain’t sensitive I don’t report people.