The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Yea can’t find it ATM if even exists.

I generally feel bad for you op, even if you have bis daggers. You are hurting inside and it really shows. Hopefully you have family or good friends to help you through these rough times. /Hug

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Wow my widdle thread triggered the streamers. It is a masterpiece. I’m getting all teary eyed knowing the streamers are butthurt over my widdle thread.

Thanks guys in this thread, without you this wouldn’t be possible.

Asmon agreed that parsers play worse than normal people BTW. He said he’d delete the parsing website if he could and it was his decision.

Let the butthurt commence.

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What should anyone make of that? He doesn’t like it? Well, nothing he can do about it tbh.

You should care since whatever he thinks is copied by thousands of people who follow him.

He thinks for them.

Yeah, nothing going to happen.

I’m famous.

I like the part where Asmon says parsers play worse than normal players and he’d delete the parsing website if he could.

The image of the parse pro is also realistic. They all look like that (fat and lonely).

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And that’s just dps parsing. It’s a good thing healing parses haven’t caught on. My guild has people just stand in stuff to boost healing.

Sorry, can’t hear you over your grey parses. Try gitting gud first and try again.


First few seconds of the video he says “Anyone with a brain knows it’s not ruining classic wotlk”.

Dang, you don’t got a brain?

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Then he says he’d never parse if he could and he’d delete the parse website if he could and that parsing is like winning track and field in 3rd grade.

No one cares about your 3rd grade medals :slight_smile: So he agrees with me.

He also says people only parse for ego and nothing else. LUL. LIke I’ve been saying.

He actually said he would not use logs in HIS RAIDS. That he would TURN it of in HIS RAIDS.

He said your parses are like 3rd grade track and field medals. No one cares little guy.

He said “i’m not a fan of parses.”

Literally. LUL, coping commences now.

I’m actually crying in laughter…

He says you’re posting on your level 61 because you’re bad at the game and you don’t actually hate parsing culture you hate that you’re so bad at the game nobody wants to play with you.

He literally nailed it


Are you crying cause Asmon (and everyone else) thinks your parse achievements are useless and just prove you are fat and lonely?

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He said you’re crying cuz you’re literally trash at the game.


He said your parses are like 3rd grade medals.

I’m sure your mom loves them. She hangs them on the Fridge doesn’t she. Tell us the truth.

Next to your crayon drawings.

I originally stayed out of this thread because I don’t really care about the topic. I have to say though, I’m impressed you’ve managed to convince even the likes of streamers that parse culture is toxic.

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It was no meager feat. I’m very proud of my success.

It was great. Asmon saying that while Frosstfire’s forum avatar staring out from the screen was just too funny. Much love Frosst!