The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

oh look the sad little boy got triggered again.

I can’t imagine your parses after phase 1…they are grey on the easiest of easy content…

You guys aren’t ever killing these hard modes.

Oh he’s omega triggered now. Jimmies rustled. It’s getting bad folks.

I had to look this word up I wasn’t sure what it meant…

I found it though but it’s weird it just has a picture of your parses next to it…

So according to the definition grey parsers are triggered…it all makes sense now.

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You know what it means because you are doing it right now. Triggered. Omega level triggered.

If you had to pin point 1 thing, what would you say the issue is??

Is sin too hard?? Isn’t it just 2 buttons?

Maybe we can try to find something easier than 2 buttons??

How do we get your parses high enough to make your mom proud of her little tiger?

Are you staring at your bars and missing mechanics??

Like why would you say the issue is?

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sad little boy can’t stop responding. Triggered level:

0…beyond omega level

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Oh that’s cute do you also draw with crayons?

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It’s my trigger meter. It shows me the triggered level of the most sad little boys. Right now it’s showing me your triggered level.

Almost off the charts. You should calm down.

I’m just watching you melt down.

i suck but i have nothing to hide

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It’s easy to get better tho.

Just gotta fix rotation.

I did. I had a 70% haunt uptime on patchwerk first time around. I increased it to 95%.

Affliction rotation is tough though, but I’d rather master it then give up

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Is this thread because you got rejected from a run?

Make your own low parse runs, no need to cry on a forum.


I think the Frosstfire culture is ruining wotlk

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There is so much more context.

tldr: he got talked mess, got called out, pulled out parses, got roasted for hiding his parses, went to another thread, go bullied there, then made this thread, culminating to him literally messaging other people’s gms in game.

It’s peak degen, but not even like cool feral cats flower weaving degen, more like sad, depressing, you just pity him for the painful, miserable, lack of pink, life he has type of degen.

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No I got bis weapons after 1 nax 25. I’m a gigachad.

The mage and rogue had a mental break down when I told them now they are trying to troll me cause they are jealous and because I’m making fun of parsing.

Not only did I invalidate their world view because I got bis weapons in 1 lockout and I don’t parse, but I’m also making fun of their entire existence and self worth.

It’s a perfect storm of things to make these two nerds this triggered.

That is the real story. Two nerds who are jealous and self defensive trying desperately to poke at me with anything they can find. Including other people’s logs.

It’s actually hilarious they blew a gasket this hard.

I expect they will never leave this thread because you can’t fix being triggered this bad. They’ll be here as long as I am raging at me while I’m laughing and playing WOW in the background.

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tbh some people can enjoy their parsing while some can ignore such thing, I personally believe that everyone can play the way they wants and i’m not concerned about how others play this game.

and yes there are some guilds who enjoy raiding and they never upload logs.

Lol he’s still going? 3 days in a row? This is absolutely one of the best threads lately.

OP has grey parses for sure.


Who are you to say that the way I enjoy the game is wrong? If you suck at the game just say that instead of saying that people who are better than you are ruining the game. I don’t care that you’re bad at the game so why are you so concerned other people are better?

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