The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Oh look the nerds have turned on each other again :slight_smile:

Oh look Frosstfire they Grey is back.


Didn’t you block everyone?

Must be affected to come back and check all the “hidden” replies.

Gg ez no rp

This is one of my best threads ever. So many triggered nerds.

Creates thread

Spends most time in thread, replies the most.

cries a little

Can’t handles the Ls so blocks most of the people in it

Cries a lot

Great success.

Neck beard 1- Hey mom, check this I got these nerds.

Mom: why didn’t you spend this time working on those grey parses.


Wow that took you a while to come up with that. Are you OK? I guess it’s hard to think when triggered.

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Idk I had you on my server spamming my guild.

You’re triggered and unhinged and a full salt mine…

Dance puppet dance.


I’m parsing 100 at triggering nerds in this thread. I think it will never end. Best thread of the century.

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Refer to my last post.

I am when I said I’m triggering nerds.

All the parse nerds omega triggered someone talked trash about their only viable hobby. LULULUL.

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Hahahaha god dam blizzard should make him a personal title for that.

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Oh look another triggered nerd keeping the thread alive forever :slight_smile: Look at this huge parse. 100 for triggering nerds.

EZ for me.

Now this is parsing.

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Look how happy you are at the mere thought of 100 Parsing…

It’s a shame it’ll never actually happen…

Grays 4 days

Stay mad

Stay triggered.

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I 100 parse every time you respond to me in this thread. I got you so triggered you come back here everyday to chat with me.

I don’t even have to try anymore.

It is just guaranteed you’ll be here triggered.

Just because I made fun of parsing in a video game. :slight_smile:

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Triggered is logging onto a forum posters server and talking to their guild.

Which 1 of us did that??

Oh yea that was you…

Stay bad.

Stay mad.

Stay triggered.

Stay grey.


Yeah u triggered. I made fun of parsing and you posted 100 replies.


That is the definition of triggered

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I already gave you the definition above.

Are you going go talk to my GM again?

You’re so triggered it’s hilarious

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You got me frosstfire the grey.

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sad little boy can’t take it when people make fun of his Hobby. He has to respond…

Parsing is for idiots and low IQ individuals who can’t do anything else in life :slight_smile: It’s a coping mechanism.

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Parsing grey is even worse…

I’d feel terrible knowing 80% of sin rogues are better.

That’s rough.