The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

This sounds like you’re injecting your own personal experience with people onto the entirety of the people that parse. Most of the people I know that parse are the same people who watch youtube videos on how to do the bosses. Streamer opinion doesn’t mean much, they aren’t even remotely close to the majority. Everyone has a different experience.

You don’t parse on a wipe

This is a common misconception amongst ignorant players that if you parsed it’s because you ignored mechanics. Idk if that’s a coping mechanism or what but it’s a lie. If you die you cannot parse, if you ignore all mechanics you will die. The two directly contradict one another. You will stretch mechanics as far as you can while staying alive, but it’s within reason. Many mechanics cannot be ignored without consequence of death (which would net a bad parse)

Oh a lot of times adds actually count into a parse so usually where you see a dirtbag parser is when you don’t want to kill adds and they cleave it to pad anyways. But the overwhelming majority of the time the great parsers are great players who get lucky with mechanics (ie never webbed on maexxna) or jus ones who can do their mechanics while still performing their rotation at a high level. Nobody is getting away with ignoring all mechanics

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whats going on here is your brain doesnt work. cant fix stupid /shrug.


You don’t get a parse recorded onto WCL if you wipe LMAO


The amount of people that talk about parses and dck measuring when they wont post on their main is too funny


Imagine being that dumb.

Sometime in TBCC I had a conversation with my guild’s prot pally because he was occasionally suffering crushing blows because he was letting himself get GCD blocked while holy shield was coming off CD, and he told me this was necessary to keep threat off our damage dealers and he wasn’t necessarily wrong to say that.

We found the #1 prot pally parse on that particular fight and found that he managed perfect holy shield uptime while pumping out more TPS than any other player achieved on that fight. We were able to use that log to come up with some ideas for how to improve both threat and holy shield uptime, and both of us understood the game better as a result.

Long story short, not even the guy at the tippy top was padding for the parse. It was pure execution and understanding.

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Don’t forget his amazing 24 average in MC.

I love how you link evidence of successful kills as evidence of a struggle.


You guys are bringing up Onyxia and Molten Core logs now? Jfc lol

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Imagine thinking grey parsing is being successful in a time where there was no mechanics.

I can’t wait to see the forums when actual hard modes are out and people are asking for nerfs.

Most of y’all couldn’t kill pre nerf Vash or Sunwell,.y’all real cocky in p1 content

Heck 90% of you can’t even do 3 Drake’s.

Successful in earning your respect? No I don’t think they were successful in that.

I doubt it was their goal. More than likely their goal was to kill the dragon.

Can’t wait till the content gets too hard for the average wow player just like pre nerf sunwell was.

Yeah, you have no ammo against except what I’m typing and you’re at a loss. I wouldn’t expect you to be happy with this turn of events.

And if I’m not? You’re satisfied and I’m unaffected so I guess we go on our merry ways.

This is such a wholesome communtity

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I’ve said it for like a decade now, the wow community is one of the most toxic, degenerate communities one can be apart of. I know I don’t help, but I also am not trying to help. I know what I am. Is what it is.

Didn’t believe this before but after this thread I truly believe that the anti parse culture is far more toxic lol

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The OP is the literal king of irony lol. Calls parsing culture toxic then starts telling everyone they’ll never get laid and they live with their mums hahaha.

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He’s just jealous that his Parses are too embarrassing for his mom to hang up on the fridge.

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