The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

mechanically speaking, yes you are playing, but you aren’t really playing the game. You just want to big duck bosses for that parse.

You are trying to act like if you aren’t playing the class a certain way, the game is unplayable. That’s the issue.

Rogues are way harder when played to their fullest.

“Parsing” is so easy. Honestly, parsing is a joke. I don’t give a single flying you know what about anything outside of PvP. All the PvE fights are scripted, and 15 years old. The hardest mechanic currently is “dodge firewall” that takes 15 seconds to hit you in OS and parse 95+. Following my own playstyle BiS list–not sims or what the class discords are saying–and slight deviations in talents for my own playstyle.

There is one thing: the biggest aspect of a parse is that you are in a group that kills a boss faster. A faster boss kill is a better parse for everyone, as critical cooldowns have higher % uptime. But if you can’t parse 85% even in a pug, you are just bad and people can choose to exclude you. That is keyboard turning, not doing mechanics, can’t press their 3-button rotation properly bad. This game was balanced around people running potatoes who had 10 fps in raid settings and single digit framerates in Dalaran when computers sucked in 2008 and half of people still had dial up.

GDKPs will invite you even with 0 parses. Any non-GDKP pug will invite you above like ~70%. Learn to keybind your keys and dodge mechanics. Take 30 seconds to learn your 3 button rotation. Or farm gold and buy the pieces in GDKP. It’s not hard. Or start your own raid with other newbies and learn together. You’re not entitled to raid spots or gear.

Obligatory: this is a community-based game, and communities form doing what they want. Speedrunners and parsers can do that. Roleplayers can roleplay. Goldshire Inn erpers can erp. Stop authoritatively telling people how to play their game.




Why are you so rude to new players?

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Why did you change to a throwaway to agree with your self?

Who are you talking about? I just got here.

Care to explain this? There isn’t a “correct” way to play the game. Whether it’s raid logging, pvping, rping, solo only, bg hero… there is no right way to play. So they are playing the game just may not be the way you play or think people should play.

I’m saying there isn’t a correct way to play the game, each class has a meta way to play it. That’s up to the player to achieve that goal, people should always push to do better than they did in the past.

I wouldn’t go that far.

I agree I don’t like parsing. I just like ganking alliance.

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Just wait until they start spam flagging all your posts as trolling. It’s like their self esteem rises irl from spam flagging


Yeah they have been trying. It’s sad.

But that’s what you are hyper focusing on, the meta way to play. Nearly everyone is playing this way and only caring about parsing when all the mechanics, from classic to wrath are ridiculously easy and shouldn’t be promoted as an end all be all for raiding.

Yes, but if most players are caring about parsing, players that don’t can’t enjoy the game. So yes, it’s a problem.

I never understood the parsing culture. Kinda lame if you ask me.


How is playing a rogue to its fullest hard? Combat has been the same spec since classic only thing new is killing spree just another CD you use off CD or in combination with other procs/CDs. Assassination is one of the easiest spec’s in the game with one of the lowest differences between the best and the worst players. Rogue is in no way “hard” it is one of the easiest or the easiest class to play in the game in PVE.

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You need to have all the gear setups done, weapon swap macros, tricks macros, spec swap macros. Then you have to use them at proper times.

You also have to know when to use certain weapons. Some of the trash weapons are only good in certain scenarios.

People are doing content that is 10+ years old and done thousands upon thousands of times. What is there really left to prove? Parsing, seeing those purple and orange parses, mean a lot to some people, it drives competition. If people don’t wanna see parses, I can’t help them there, it’s the state of gaming, stats matter. I personally like it.

So, I don’t see where there is a problem.

If most enjoy it and a small number don’t? Oh well, that’s on them. Find a way to enjoy it or find another game to play. This isn’t something that’s going to change, no matter how much the classic community complains about it.

That is all prep. That can be simplified to macros to make everything easy. Having to prep more than other classes does not make your class mechanically harder and tots are used off CD in fights and only specifically used at 35%, when snap threat is needed, and at the start of encounters. Tricks may be the only “hard” part of the class. But you can make that argument with the other classes like pally, hunter, and warrior who also have responsibilities of their own. I would only agree rogue and mage are somewhat on the same level of being uber-easy.


I feel you are just trying to be argumentative.

I am just stating the facts if you see it as that it is on you. Stating that you feel I am trying to be argumentative doesn’t change that you are wrong.

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Lul at the mage trying to tell rogues their class is EZ. Don’t you still just press arcane blast and maybe missiles?