The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

I don’t know where you came to that conclusion. I, in all these posts, never once stated I wanted your daggers.

You’re projecting onto me now. That is not acceptable. You’re just nervous. If you breath, you’ll be ok.

I’m happy you are this triggered you have to reply to me over and over trying desperately to upset me when you can’t because I have BIS NAX weapons after 1 nax.


Where did I state that as well?

I’m asking you if you’re ok. I have professional experience dealing with high stress situations. I’m actually genuinely concerned. This is literally just a forum for a video game. That’s it. It’s not that extreme.

You’ve endured a lot of torment over the last 24 hours, and for any normal individual, that’s a lot to take in. Are you ok?

Bro I’m out here just ganking lowbies having fun. YOu are replying to me over and over on this forum like a crazy person cause you big mad.

Because you’re replying. You had a moment in another thread yesterday, bled it to another thread, then made this one, and haven’t stopped.

You keep saying these things, that I’m mad, and jealous, and trying to upset you, when I never once stated any of that. You have this personification of me, when it’s not correct at all.

Are you ok?

Well if you think you are gonna out reply me then you don’t know who you are dealing with… :slight_smile:

Where did I state that as well? I’m just asking if you’re ok.

Yeah I’m great, I got BIX nax weapons and you don’t :slight_smile:

You say that, but you keep integrating a video game with real life. That’s not normal. That’s not what ok people do.

I know you’ve suffered. It’s ok to just talk.

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I’m good man, I got the BIS weapons as we discussed and I’m ganking lowbies, my fav pasttime.

I couldn’t be happier in fact.

I also got this nerd triggered on the wow forums named Apathy.

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But your actions say otherwise. You keep lashing out like it means something, like you’re trying to get attention.

Ok people don’t do that. You’re just lying to me. That is also not acceptable. I did not lie when I stated that I am professionally trained to do this. I see through what you’re saying, and I see what you feel. It’s not ok. I want you to be ok.

It doesn’t mean anything, it’s how I roll. I trigger nerds like you for fun.

But it does. Every action has a consequence and a meaning. Nothing is every meaningless, not even you.

I was awake earlier to help my grandmother get ready for her multiple appointments, and have been up for 24 hours and 2 minutes now. I’m going to bed. Really, 988 is the suicide hotline. Please call it if you feel like making a decision that could affect you for literally the rest of your life.

No it means I like triggering dumb nerds. I been doing it since Battlefield 2. I was a menace on that forum until it was shut down.

It’s just what I do.

You are just another casualty in my long career of triggering lightweight nerds. You have no idea who you are dealing with.

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When I go by a %, it’s based on clear time, not your overall parse. Your clear time is only slightly faster, marginable at best. And it’s annoying. These clear times are and were already average if you weren’t BiS or meta. The problem at the end of the day is you lot are just flat out bad at the game and act like if you aren’t meta and parsing, it can’t be done.

Very true. These people are delusional and are ruining the game for normal people.

surprised you didn’t get 1000 “If you don’t wanna do the raid 38 seconds faster, you’re lazy and a detriment to the game”. You’re right, P1 is easy, and I almost feel bad for the people that are trying so hard. I’m not even remotely worried when we enter a 25 man, I already know we’re gonna beat it, as evidenced by our first 25 man week when nobody was close to 200 and we steamrolled it. There is zero reason to go all sweaty, except to give that stupid “you guys are just lazy” comment.

that generally indicates some sort of mental problem, especially if you’ve been doing it for years. We get it, you’re a troll and you love it, but I feel that 99% of the people you get off on triggering probly aren’t even triggered. Someone making a response don’t make them triggered. MAybe get some help.

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Nah they are triggered.

there’s a difference between lazy and competence. But sadly, parsers are lazy. Yes, they are. They focus on the boss and nothing else and then complain about failing when it’s there fault they couldn’t do simple mechanics. Many streamers proved this, as well as no streamers. “oh I parsed 99 but we still failed” yeah because you didn’t want to kill the add you :poop: for brains.