The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

I genuinely laughed out loud at this lol


Yup, you’re known to be honest…

Yeah I get it. I want to start on the high road, and if everyone’s on the high road, then we travel together, but the moment someone takes the off ramp to the low road, sheeeeesh we racing on the low road now.

Sometimes I do come off strong, like earlier with Despite. Just tired of random nonsense and I’ll be the first to take that exit.

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Ok fine, this is my main. You got me.

Somehow I knew you were always a BB player.

Braindead player for a braindead server.

Yea, I’ve had friends sit me down and tell me how sometimes I come off extremely abrasive (they said cold and unfeeling, I think abrasive sounds better lol) and it’s something I’m working on all the time… getting better at it, but it’s still there and I notice it. That off ramp just becomes so tempting once someone with an attitude jumps at you…

He’s fully unhinged


You are just salty you don’t have BIS weapons and I do.

Bro that’s not unhinged. It’s what I do for fun.

It’s my main activity in WOW. Ganking lowbies. Now I just have a decent target.

It’s tough king. I used to be really passive, taught violence wasn’t the answer, talk your way through it, etc, but, once I joined the Navy and started doing law enforcement, I couldn’t be passive. I had to talk with my chest, take charge and control. That, mixed with toxic leadership, self hatred, alcohol abuse, and I did a full 180. Words meant nothing to me. You obeyed me, or we mixed and that was it. My hands became my words. It’s hard to get out of it. It’s hard to unlearn it. Mine was more physical than yours is, but the concept, the hatred, the quickness to jump on someone is similar you know.

Glad you have friends to help you, it makes it a lot easier, and while youll slip, they’ll be there to help catch you. Keep it up king, you’re doing great <3

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Lol, talk about a head case.

It’s a PVP server.

Red = dead.

We are all very afraid of you backpeddling in front of us to death

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I 1 shot lowbies lul. You won’t even see it happen.

Uh huh. Sure.

I’m so jealous of the paraplegic with an F1.

I’m so jealous of the deaf man with high quality sound systems.

I’m so jealous of the blind man looking at a beautiful sunset.

I’m so jealous of the fat balding mentally ill individual who is more than likely suffering from some form of diet multiple personality syndrome, and is using the wow forums as his proxy.

Whatever will I do.

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You sound jealous.

Yeah, the boosty rogue is going to take out the naxx speed runners.

Delusions of grandeur

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Their lowbies… I think I was clear. WHich is probably them on their alts. So basically them yeah.


Come on man, at least use the right version of it.

Uh huh. Whatever helps you cry less at bedtime sweetie.

I’m doing it right now actually. Killing lowbies. Not many of their guild on though.

Seems like a small guild.