The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK


omfg jfc

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I just told him true things.

OMG! LOL. This is comedy gold.

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They asking me what little kid I made rage on the forums today.

They know me too well.

I told them just another grey parser.


You think I’m mad LUL. That parse isn’t from me and I don’t even care about parses. LULLULULULU

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If I was grey I wouldn’t care about parses either.

I have him ignored, reloaded page, he said a no no word on the forums. Think it’s time for a vacation for Frost to the artic so he can cool down.

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I love seeing trolls group up to troll a bad troll.

Really brings a warmth to my heart. :relieved:


It’s the community we always wanted.

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I’m gonna tell your GM my mains name so you blow your gasket.

I really do try to not be toxic, but like, I aint someone to back down either.

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Eh would just show us a wall of grey, we all already know how it looks.

It’s actually getting boring.

It’s gonna be funny when your GM tells you, you’ve been wrong this entire time and you are an idiot.

Oh and I still have 2 BIS weapons from NAX :slight_smile: From1 lockout.

Idk, it’s like limbo. How low can you go

Those poor weapons deserve to be wielded by a rogue who knows how to use them…such a waste.

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Your GM will tell you later my main. Then you will cry that you’ve made yourself look like a fool.

You having bis daggers is like a paraplegic having a F1 car. Literally useless lol


Sometimes it’s hard to not troll… because the way people act, but I always try to start off with good intentions because I genuinely do enjoy a good conversation. This guy took longer than normal to get him to block me, but we got there.

Yea, it’s always fun messing with people when they act like this. Doing it as a community, even better.

Sure he will.

Yeah, it’s happening.