The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

I doubt you can focus, you just hyper fixate until something else grabs your undiagnosed ADHD.

Look man, you can not be more toxic than the US government, and I worked for them for 4 whole years. I used to put fat balding 56 year olds who missed their Prozac medication in cuffs (for various reasons, normally domestic violence), and then my friends and I would laugh at their brain dead ramblings afterwards.

How much do I owe you though, I haven’t been in here for hours and unprovoked you still made a comment referencing me, so how much is the rent for the space I’m taking in your head.

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He brought you up I think because he ignored me and heydownthere (who are apparently the same person) on ignore because we wouldn’t stop hurting his feelings.

I can’t imagine working for the government, I worked at comcast and that was hands down the worst imho.

Your GM says your have 13 kids and most are from your wife’s boyfriend. I think he’s covering for you living with mommy.

I told you I was the guild troll, you can’t out troll me bro.

You’re not winning this 1

Oh it’s clear you are a troll. That was never in doubt. You are just bad at it :slight_smile:

I have you unhinged.

I have you grey parsing.

I have you logging onto my server to talk to my GM.

You got rekt son.

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Eh, idc why really. I just saw this trainwreck had 50+ more comments so I checked it back out. He quoted that 61 dk who tried to shame for me having a blue on maex which literally anyone can check and see I got webbed week 2/3/4, and can see that those runs are just pugs. It’s pretty hard to parse past purple in pugs (not impossible but man, it is rough).

Is what it is, you’re broke, want out of your hometown, decide to raise your right hand. I wouldn’t do it again, but it wasn’t the worst. I did learn a lot more about life, and my time in helped shape who I am now as a person. Made a lot of great friends, and I got some wild stories to share. Btw, did you know Guantanamo Bay is technically classified as a semi-arid desert? I didn’t know that till I went there.

Purginglight says they will talk to your mommy about your trolling here on the forums. You gonna get a spanking.

See how much I got you feeding out of my hand?

Stop talking to yourself like that it feeds into your depression.

I got this man logged onto my server talking to my guild lmfao.

He is getting rekt.

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No shot, screen cap it now pls i beg you

Not because I dont believe you, I just want to see the tea spill.

Is he really messaging your guild?

That’s hilarious.

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Yea lmfao.

Sec let me see if he can screen cap it.

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Your GM said you are scared of the dark. Is this true?

All hail Drinknblink, our savior.

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I’m literally telling you I’m doing it you dumbass. Why would screen capping add anything?

You have to be a teenager.

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That’s actually hilarious. Frost is so mentally broken.

It’s ironic too, I remember he stated he hides because he doesnt want to be tracked down in game by trolls yet here is he, a troll tracking people down in game because of the forums.

It’s weird how the worst players are the most toxic and unhinged.

Actually it’s not weird at all, it makes perfect sense. Like short man syndrome but for parses.

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No I’m just having fun with the lad.


He’s getting rekt lmfao