The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

15th Street Wawa in Allentown PA.

Google it.

Nah I’m just gonna whisper your guild for sweet details about you I can share here.

I’m not like you bro I don’t need to hide lmfao.

Sucks to suck!

Nah I’m gonna tell your GM how you sperg here. Looks bad for them.

And I’m going to kill any lowbies in your guild that are leveling.

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Murdercita is the GM.

Bruh I’m passed exalted with my guild, I’m the guild troll, you can’t out troll me, you can’t out parse me, you won’t pull up, there is nothing you can do except hide and grey parse lmfao.


Sure I can’t… Your guild is gonna hate you very soon.

Still hiding.

Feel free to comment on my 95 BPA for the raid size I actually focus on.

Or my two 99s in the raid size I actually focus on.

Like it’s so low tier from you. I normally don’t want people to lose their accounts, but you actually need to. You’re the uncreative toxic, the literal worst kind.

Like I’m sorry your mom didn’t hug you. I’m sorry you got rejected by the Prom Queen in '77 because all the jocks told you she liked you but they really just set you up. I’m sorry you settled with a woman who only stays with you for money, the little you make. I’m sorry your kids don’t even acknowledge you, even ignoring you on your birthday or father’s day. I’m sorry you got depressed, and then fat, which just fueled each other. I’m sorry you have hair loss. I’m sorry you can only find joy in the most brain dead ramblings on a forum for a 17 year old video game.

It’s ok. You can still calm down, and we can all move on. You don’t have to be hated.


Nah I’ll focus on your two blue parses.

You have 17 Grey’s and couldn’t do 3 drake.

Wait I thought you had my parses :thinking:

How am I hiding if you have my parses :thinking:

I do.

Did I say you were hiding from me?

You’re hiding from yourself, you’re actually ashamed of your performance

You know my main if you have my parses don’t you? :thinking:



Ok go whisper my guild then.

For what??

For the luls? I mean you are sure it’s me…

Wouldn’t be any luls, you prolly hide from them too lmfao.

You’re insecure asf

Go whisper me in game.

No thanks.