The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

You lost sweetie. You left. Cause you lost :slight_smile: Ignored darling.


Bye lol

Vegas though bud, you can do it. Just gotta ask your mom and dad for money.

Did you know that Austraila has legal pros…tutes, my brother used to live near one and I’d go past it while going to his house XD.

Was actually near a school too now that I think about it…

You lost honney why you still typing? Cause you big mad you left yesterday and lost :slight_smile:


Giant mad

Giga mad

LOST and it shows.

Now you stalk me cause you lost… Silly paladin. Can’t accept defeat. Lost the argument, lost the plot, lost their mind.

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Lol! That’s hilarious. I bet he’s like 45 too… talking about frosst not your brother.

Thought you ignored me? Starving for my attention? Tell you bud… Vegas, get your mom’s credit card… get you a ticket, get your release and you’ll be happier.



I always win.


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Vegas my dude.

You wanna go again nerd cause you gonna lose again?

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Nah, he ignored me. He couldn’t rustle my jimmies so he stopped responding to me and only to you.

I don’t know why though, maybe he likes you?


But we’re the same person!? Lol.

I don’t think he’s done anything but confuse people.

He likes me? Oh… yea, I don’t bat for that team. That’s why he’s never touched a woman? Makes sense… we gotta get him a boyfriend.

Oh he wants to go again.

The dumbass paladin nerd wants to lose again and run away with their tail between their legs again.

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See, he responds to you but completely ignores what I’ve said.

This is pretty funny though…

I don’t know anyone who’d be interesting in an internet troll though.

It’s hilarious.

Yea it’d be pretty hard to find anyone to want whatever he is… it’ll be hard work, but it’d be for the betterment of the community.

Nice both ignored now. EZ vicotry. So quiet now. So peaceful. All the spergs ignored.


I agree, it’s going to be an arduous task frought with danger but I’m sure that we’ll manage to do it in the end.

He ignored us both now lol.

It’s funny that he thinks he won because he ignored us, what did he even win??

Yeah he’s bad. Did you see his 2 blue parses. LUL

His blues are better than your greys.

Greys for days!

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Does this mean we’ve won? Lol… I still don’t know what he was talking about winning and losing. He’s so unhinged.

Lol. I’m pretty sure I know children that he’d lose debates to.

Watch out man, he’s gonna freak out and ignore you then claim he won.

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Na he’s just gonna spam that I live with my mom, he thinks it will somehow trigger me.

He’s big mad tho you can tell by this whole thread.

He’s fully unhinged at this point.

He’s full grey parsing.

You’ve never linked my parses because you can’t.

Now go to bed, I’m sure your mommy doesn’t like it when you are up at night while she’s sleeping.

You don’t want to wake her. Shel’ll be mad at you tomorrow and may take away your xbox time or your snacks.