The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

He lives with his mom. He’s 15 and that’s what is holding him back… In life…

Never touched a woman.

Never did anything worthwhile in life so parsing is all he has. :joy: And he can’t even do that well :rofl: :clown_face:

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Why are you still insulting everyone who replies to you? It’s been at least 2 days of just nonstop insults in this forum from you, are you trying to prove that the forum isn’t moderated by people? or are you simply trying to cop a ban?

Genuinly curious because most of your posts that I’ve seen are just personal attacks.

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Are you gonna cry?

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Why would I cry over someone who I don’t even know telling me things that are untrue?

Makes no sense.

He lives with his mom, he said so. Not my fault he’s unable to move out or get older faster.

Little kids like him shouldn’t be talking smack on the internet when they can’t even live in their own home without mommy.

Admitting you still live at home with mom in public is a big OOF.

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His prior comment says it all…

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Aren’t there more people living with their mums than ever though? Because the cost of living/houses is more expensive nowdays?

Oh hey, “other me”.


Nah it’s because he prob works and McDonald’s and can’t afford an appartment. Or he’s 15. Either option is very likely.

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I mean you can’t know that for sure though.

Lol oh yea, forgot about that… we’re the same person!

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It’s very likely.

Based on what?

Other than the famous trust me bro.

Oh look the two losers from last night. The ones who forfeited and left.

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Why say that now?

Did you only now notice?

Honestly that’s quite funny, though I’m glad you’re saying that we aren’t the same person now. That was just weird.

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How does it feel to be a loser and also now ignored since you lost, I don’t need to listen to either of your dumb comments any longer. :slight_smile:

You lose the battle last night and are now ignored. See ya chumps. :slight_smile:


Cry moar.

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Lol, he’s holding onto his anger.

Telling you man, touch your first woman… I know it’ll be hard to get consent looking and acting like you do… but you’ll find someone eventually.

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Sadge you ignored me? Oh noes!!

I left because it was 10pm, you know a time to actually stop conversing with internet trolls. Right now however it’s 7:10pm so I got a good 3 hours of time before I stop, though it looks like you’re copping out before me.

Too bad.


No I just beat you into submission last night so I’ve won and don’t have to see your dumb face anymore.

See ya nerd.


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Lol tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself.

Vegas you can touch them legally for money.