The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Ill trust you to do it since you wanna teach people to git gud, thank you for your generosity i hope you have fun

Lol, of course I’ll teach them if they want it. I’m a team-player, not everyone is. :wink:

To defend his take, I feel the same.

It’s ok if someone is new, and I’ll whisper them and ask them if they’re good. Sometimes they admit they’re new and don’t know, and I’m less concerned about them leeching at that point, but the amount of people who has just ignored me, or just not cared is high. They’re just there to leech. I’m not denying the content is easy, but, they’re still actively holding everyone else in the raid back because they refuse to be useful in easy content.

It’s why I told my friends that I’m not running 25 man pugs with them anymore, and going to do gdkps instead. If I’m going to carry someone, it’s not going to be for free anymore. I’m tired of putting in work, making sure my gear is good to go with the correct stats, gems, and enchants, buying consumables, and putting in effort just to have someone be pseudo afk then get rewarded for it. It creates a cycle of leeching, and I just aint about it anymore.

The game IS easy. Thats precisely why im not going to hand hold every person that comes through my pugs. I’m running a pug, not a daycare. I am 30, I’m old, I work. The only excuse someone would have as to parsing green or lower is that they simply do not care. I dont want to give loot to people who dont care.

30 is old? Lol. They can all parse grey and still do the content with ease… while I love wotlk, there is no challenge to it. I don’t expect you to feel the same in all this, but I think we should focus on teaching people. Acting like you don’t have time for it is just bs… if you got raid time, you can spend a few minutes to teach someone how to play their class… the classes atm are still VERY simple.

why is it my job to tell other people how to play? I dont want to do 4 hours naxxs, naxx is already boring because of how easy it is, I want to do the content well and fast. There are guilds that cater to beginners, I should be free to build my groups however i choose without anyone claiming im harming anyone because im not.

I’m not running up to people with bad parses and calling them bad, I’m simply not inviting them to my groups.

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Gentlemen, you are both correct.

It is not Dome’s job to teach people how to play. He is not required to and he can choose to drop players if they aren’t going to perform well.

Gwenn is right, the game is easy. You don’t have to perform well to complete Naxx. Lobotomized crabs can complete Naxx.

There is nothing wrong with helping people get better. I love helping people learn. That said, there is no expectation for other people to help a player learn. They can’t get help if they aren’t willing to even help themselves.

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Oh… I hope you aren’t a guild or raid leader.

If you want to do content well and fast, fine… play with friends or people you know. I just see this attitude and it’s disappointing. Classic is already an extremely toxic community, I see no reason to add to it. If I can teach someone I’ll do it, but again I already stated I don’t expect you to feel the same… it’s just how I feel about issues like this.

I wasn’t telling him he’s right or wrong, we’re discussing the issue… I just find the attitude disappointing but it also doesn’t mean he’s gotta change.

Stepping stone guilds are a vital part of the game, we thank you for getting raider up to date for our raids when our raiders take breaks

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Im sorry if I’m reading too much into it friend but the tone felt off.

Just trying to keep the peace now, Frost is asleep, the vibes can come back

Lol, you’re adorable, I doubt they’d go to your guild.

Poor guy must be tuckered out after sperging for 19hours straight.


i mean he’s not wrong. Pretty sure most people who got started playing WoW started in a lackluster guild and moved up to a serious guild when they realized people weren’t putting in the same effort. Thats how I got started as well.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I find the attitude disgusting if they’re in a leadership role and it’s proof that they shouldn’t be leading anything.

Lol that guy was wild. Like I never seen someone so unhinged.

So you can’t teach and be a serious guild? It’s not black and white.

Don’t need to when others do it for you, just find people who perform well and they come across.

Its a matter of goal. I’m done with this discussion. There is room in this game for multiple kinds of players, thats the best part of WoW. Based on your post history your just a people who likes to antagonize others for attention, so im out.

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I’m sure, thank you for proving me right about your piss poor attitude.

With no Frost to focus on we turn on ourselves :frowning:

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Well he snapped out of nowhere… he proved my point.

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I made this for you.

The mount is from 25m 3 Drakes, you dont need to worry about killing that for a long long time.