The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Sure idc. Ive been silenced on the forums multiple times. I actively hate most of you, and you are in that group.

You, stunbot, frost, garmuck, rdf, lemonfront. Youre all blurring together at this point. Not even trying to troll, just an amalgamation of a handful of luke warm brain cells trying to mimic intelligent thought.

Atleast bloomsday is smart when he opens his mouth to say a bad take.


You mean nothing to me.



Why do you have to threaten people like that?


Got em.

Go to bed kiddo.

You can also drain all his mana.

Hmm it appears you said that right after your last post :joy_cat:

You are literally threatening me now.

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What is this cringe take…you literally cannot record a parse for Gothik on WCL to count for your average anymore.

Uh huh. Like I said, an amalgamation of luke warm brain cells.

You’re not even as edgy as frost. Get ignored.

Go level to 80 and ill unignore you.

And go get your GED as well.

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You’re very sensitive… Maybe the forums aren’t for you.

Ya ya I know reported calling you sensitive.

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I will check your parse, if you are parsing 30th percentile, you are not playing your character properly. fix that and ill invite you.

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A 30!?!?!

You expect him to double his parse over night?!?


That’s your opinion, they feel there is a reason… you don’t have to like it, but it’s not going away.

A problem to YOU. There are more important things to worry about.


You can work and parse. I know it’s not all people.

My thing is more I don’t like the culture of classic, they’re toxic towards anyone who doesn’t agree with their perspective. So I like the fact that the crowd that plays both and who do parses… can bring that little bit of light to the classic community.

It’s not a perfect observation, but all the classic andies who love hating those who disagree, I have noticed, are generally not good at parsing/playing the game.


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I didnt check anyone specifically, im just defending my logic of checking parses, its not to be toxic, its just to reward people who actually are putting effort into their class. if someone with a 200 ilvl can do more damage than someone with a 210 average, clearly the person with 210ilvl never actually learned how to play his class. I dont want to reward players who put in zero effort into actually playing properly by giving them loot over people who actually do.


I hate this concept.

How about instead of worrying about dishing gear out and teach them? Classic is already insanely easy, why not? If they don’t wanna learn then I get it, screw em. Plus it implies ML is being used :face_vomiting:

Pushing keyboard buttons in the correct order is something they need to learn themselves, there are plenty of written guides and videos covering each class :+1:

I hope you aren’t a raid leader…

Also you gotta think of the crowd you are dealing with, they’re old probably and just wanna play… maybe they don’t know how to gear properly. Give em a bis list and go from there. It’s not that deep.