The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Maybe your elitist attitude is hold you back. But you would never realize that.

Maybe you’re just bad and that’s what’s holding you back but you would never realize that

Is the same person who said:


And you call people who parse toxic … m’kay. Sure thing Zoomer.

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Being elitist is fine. Calling people names is not. Reported.

At least hes a player guilds would want, lol.

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No they would because he probably says gamer words.

You give off those vibes, bro.

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I didn’t call you anything I said maybe you’re bad…

Reading is hard

Gothik was removed from WCL standings because there’s no real way to parse on it. Everyone’s one shotting the adds. Dude doesn’t show up until the very end for like 10 seconds. It’s the Akama of WOTLK. Meme fight.


But you can wand him while he’s immune and get skill levels.

That’s what he’s really there for.

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we hand out loot during Gothik to be more efficient with our time

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Our locks just mana drain him.

He has 0 mana when he finally comes down.

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Its weird how they have these opinions based on assumptions from other people, because god knows these opinions arent based on objective fact.

Im not a speed runner, just a good old zug as hard as i can boi, but i dont want to be in naxx for 3 hours. I ran a full gdkp, all 3, in 3 and a half and i wanted to die. It felt like forever.

And these people talking about padding numbers. If theyre padding i want to know how because so far there is no padding, so if they got a trade secret please tell the class lol

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Someone isnt snapshotting his gargoyle…

Now you literally called me bad things. Reported again.

You can literally look at WCL right now. Gothik gives 0 all star points. Hes a worthless boss to parse on. I actively grief my casters by going out of my way and using bombs to kill the adds faster so they cant cast on them.

Thats why he gives no points. Its a fight that makes the raid fight each other to parse.

Hes not one of us.

You want parses and then complain when you clearly fail at it. LOL

I have a 95 BPA in 10 man which is what my guild focuses on, and i average purple for pugs in 25 mans.

Its ok to be wrong.

Its not ok to double down and pretend your right then cope about it.

But stay mentally weak i guess.

Reported for calling me mentally weak.