The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Absolutely. If I can’t improve what is the point in me raiding every week? I’m not carrying no one, but simply making it easier for everyone else. It always sucks though when you get a new piece of gear that is an upgrade and do a little less (because others also got gear). But that is all part of the fun. Self improvement should always be a goal.

Speed clearing > parsing IMO.

Speed clearing is a blast. If you get the parse cool w.e. Whats the time at the end of the run.

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Thats the ultimate goal really. People like to pretend to be altruistic about loot, like nah, give it to who will use it the best. Other people doing more damage = faster kill time = you end at a higher dps.

Personal and team improvments are the only thing that matters, and logs are just a tool to observe that improvement.

Unless your frost, then its a tool that lives in your head rent free.

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They spent 19 hours straight in this thread pretending like they were trolling and not being trolled.

This 100%

We are down to an hour 17 minute clear.

There are a ton of guilds that don’t require parsing well.

The content right now is so easy mode why would you even care. Oh noes you cleared naxx in 15 minutes faster than non parsers.

Just lol

I am also finding a issue that these Parse whatevers do not determine if a DPS is doing his job … which is staying alive and not getting hit by “Fire”. A lot of DPS like to pad the meters and in a lot of cases that can actually cause other people to die.

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How do u pad? On most fights add damage isnt included in the parse.

15 minutes?

You mean 3 hours.

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Trash doesn’t count on pretty much every fight.

Besides Gothik but his fight isn’t even counted on logs anyway. You get no all star points for that encounter.

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Starting to notice a trend here.



I’m crying.

Git gud brah

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So ez all these dudes can’t even do 3 Drake’s, wait for Ulduar and you will be hearing people crying asking for the hard modes to get nerfed.

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No you don’t save 3 hours. Stop lying.

Sounds like gothik is too hard for you. That’s what I read right there.

How convenient it is that you can’t parse a boss and then make excuses for it. GG indeed.

My guild clears in an hour and 17 minutes…

You’re suggesting everybody who doesn’t care about parses clears in an hour and 32 minutes…

You can literally see how that isn’t true because all of these people posting have logs and their runs are over 3 hours…

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I’m pretty sure that you are a troll now.

I don’t make the rules.

That boss did get my wand skill up to 400 though

You literally said it takes them 15 minutes longer…