The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

The logs you’re hauling, right? Those logs?

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No he carries printed out warcraft logs on laminated paper to show to his friends in middle school.

His teacher was very impressed but saddened that he gets an F in her class.

I was at a bar one time and I was trying to pick up a chick using your logs she threw her Jager bomb in my face and then slapped me…

I’m sorry bro you got it rough out there


That was because she saw your face and your height. Oh and the gut.

Not that I want anybody to get suspended, but this thread is just another shining example of how wretched the moderation at Trans-Blizzard is.

I can type ‘mentally [three-letter synonym for being of exceptionally above-average body mass]’ to nobody in particular and get 14 days in less than 15 minutes … and this thread is 400+ comments.

Calm down little man you’re still better than 19% of Sin rogues.

Only 80% of them are better, it could be worse you could have a 5 hour Naxx…oh wait.

Don’t worry lil bro one day a woman may let you touch her, even if you keep up this parsing nonsense.

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parsers also largely ignore mechanics, on top of begging for innervate or PI. Those same parser’s who dont move out of particle effects also complain when they die. Im not giving up my innervate that i need to keep your azz alive, its annoying.


True. They are often the worst players.

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You can’t parse and die…

Your whole post contradicts itself.

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No your brain is just malformed and can’t process easy concepts. He just gave a clear example you ignored.

People standing in damage and not moving so they can parse higher is not good gameplay. It is taking unnecessary damage to try and move an irrelevant number higher.

Good players will move out of damage and still kill the boss and get the loot.

You can’t press 2-3 buttons…

80% of sin rogues do it better…


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You can’t touch a woman…

Non parsers be out here really suggesting that we ignore mechanics.

We’ll push the line ngl, ive been tempted to weave in some arrows on sapp during the flight, but actively staying and dying kills a parse more than anything else.

Actually makes no sense

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Parsing is fun. I enjoy putting time and effort into my gear and pulls and seeing it pay off

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If you were in a group with four other rogues and I was in a group with four other mages I would be the best mage in the group and you would be the worst Rogue in the group.


Here’s the thing, and there’s really no way around it: “[log] parse culture” is not a central part of the game in an of itself, seek out a community that doesn’t care about that stuff if that is what you want. If what you want is to change the opinion of the majority of the playerbase then I am afraid, that would be a “you” problem.

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Personally I would like less emphasis to be placed on the ranking aspects of log parses. But the reports themselves can be a powerful tool for debugging your raid progression.

I go to sleep, wake up, go to work and these two are still at it. Smh

That’s cool bro but when will you ever touch a woman? Who wants you to touch her?