The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Gigasoy parser.

Find a significant other so you can give up the pursuit of a meaningless number in a casual video game. No one cares about your parses except you because the game is EZ and parses aren’t required to clear content.

It’s just a coping mechanism for you to feel like you don’t suck at everything in your life.

You probably also use it to try and steal loot from guild mates in your corrupt loot council because you are a lowlife loser. And your guild is probably filled with losers like you. This is why LC is bad and why you never join one. They are all full of toxic parse nerds like you who try and create drama.

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That’s alot of projecting.

You ok?

Don’t let those greys get you down!

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The most scarily accurate post on the forum today.
This was a bad time/place to take a coffee break.


my man

just scream into a pillow


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this thread is Frosstfire at his best. hilarious stuff

Parsing is only bad when you’re a self admitted green parsing rogue (frosstfire).


He needed to vent his frustrations out over being a grey parser.

Dude needs to scream into a pillow


Lol I just read his last post in this thread and it would fit perfectly as an example in the dictionary next to the word anger.

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I was just using every cringe sad pathetic nerd saying I could think of.

Thank you, thank you. It’s EZ when you have so many cringe gigasoy parsers to use as content.

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Hes laughing at you, with us.

Atleast you can pink parse mr garrison ringing his triangle. Everytime i see your name, thats all i hear.


He was laughing at you.

It’s ok tho, only 80% of Sin rogues are better than you.


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Nah he’s laughing at you clowns because you are gigasoy parsers. Just like most of the player base of WOW laughs at you.

You are the nerd with the glasses that keep falling off or the asthma inhaler.

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Bro who hurt you?

Take a step back, look at what you’re writing to random nobodies on the internet…

LUL so many nerd mages in PVE gear posting. Gigasoy alert.

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Im sorry man.

Many of us see pink in the logs and pink laying in our beds.

The closest youll get to any pink is if you buy a box of crayons for lunch.


You wish a woman will ever let you touch her nerd. Your mom or sister don’t count.

  • Apathy 2022
    But mah expertise cap (uses inhaler), glasses fall off. Wheezing…

So much projection.

Im sorry your handler didnt administer your meds today.

Its ok you dont know how stats work.

Go on, tell the class that youre at expertise cap without the talent and recluse.

Go on. Were all holding our breaths waiting for the next broom level iq statement.

You are just mad you’ve never touched a woman.

I get any chick I want, I just show her my logs.


Then she leaves the internet chat.