The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

I’m pathetic for not having anything going on at 9:30pm?

Yeah I’m the most interesting thing in your sad life.

Nope. I won’t go today, I do enjoy a nice mixed drink from time to time. So what do you do for a living? Retiree? Burger flipper?

Hey come fix my toilet. You do that kind of work right.

You can think that if you want.

What time is it for you? isn’t your timezone like 17 hours behind me?

Now I’m a plumber? No, I work IT at a hospital.

YOu are the same person as the dumb paladin. YOu aren’t fooling anyone.

So you are worse than a plumber. You are an IT nerd.

What time is it for you, please answer my question.

I don’t answer questions for mad little boys.


Get rekt nerd. EZ GG NO RE.

I mean you’re hardly winning if you’re simply refusing to answer questions.

Oh I’m winning.

You were going to leave and then didn’t because I just made you so angry.

I’m not angry, it’d be immuture of me to get mad over a forum troll.

Then why didn’t you leave like you said you were? Mad perhaps… :slight_smile:

No, you mearly said thing I wanted to respond to.

I know I said “I’ll leave you to your glory” but that doesn’t mean I was leaving the thread. If you interpreted it like that then oh well.

I found your theme song.

Eh, it’s alright but wouldn’t put it in a playlist.

Got any others?

Oh you big mad.

Imagine if I listened to what a hater gotta say
I never give a broke Beach any time of day (no way)

You lost your touch in this thread, was fun now I’m actually gonna go…


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