The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Stopping what exactly?

Nothing exactly you :clown_face:

What does this even mean? Grammar error?

It means you can’t stop this. You won’t win. Just give up, leave, take both your sad characters and delete them, and then uninstall wow.

You are an amateur. I’m the heavyweight champ.

And what would me deleting my Mage do?
What would me uninstalling WoW do?

Other than the obvious.

Listen nerd. YOu will never be on my level. I farmed R14 gear to post on this forum on this character with the gear in my avatar.

If you think a clown like you will make me quit or win you don’t understand what is going on here.

You think this is the first forum I’ve been on. I was making kids like you angry before you were probably born.

Ah okay, so it’s a 50 year old who does some trolling on the forums.

Looks like we got a skankhunt42 on our hands here, I didn’t know I was talking to someone so important.

I’ll leave you to your glory…


See ya nerd. EZ win. EZ GG NO RE

Well this was fun.

I’m heading to work now but I fully expect this to be at 500+ replies by the time I get there so have at it people.


You know considering you just said


You’re probably 15 (12 when you got the biggest thing you’ve ever acomplished, R14) I hope you grow up/don’t act like this outside.

Bye nerd, EZ GG NO RE. Begone rodent.

Sorry Rodent is a Shaman on my server, he’s not me, though I do know him.

See ya small fry.

What a strange way to spell Stephen Fry.

See ya half pint.

I do like Pint, he’s a good youtuber.


Later little one. Weren’t you leaving. Did you get mad again and can’t leave?

That doesn’t mean you’re good, just means you have no life.

Why would anyone want you to quit? You’re an easy farm.

Definitely not, probably got scared away from those forums as you’ll eventually run away from this one… probably be banned eventually.

I can leave I’m just enjoying this “back and forth” we’re having, not really saying anything.

I don’t understand why you’re being so condecending though, can you speak without using insults?

Oh look small fry posted on both accounts. He must be mega mad.