The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Go ask the question or shut your stupid face.

Lol, you talk a big game. It’s YOUR job to disprove me.

Go ask the question or give up nerd…

I don’t have to ask I know the answer.

No and no. How do you propose to making me do anything?

You won’t ask you little wuss. LUL, checkmate you idiot.

Lol. Checkmate? You gotta prove me wrong for checkmate pal.

Check mate nerd. I’m winning 3D chess against your dumbass.

You won’t ask. Scared little paladin.

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Yo this guy is totally unhinged. Prove me wrong bud, that’s all you gotta do to shut me up.

Scared little paladin can’t lose or he’ll fall to pieces.

I’m waiting on you to prove it to yourself.

We know the answer.

I know I can’t lose… not to you, you can’t prove me wrong.

I have proven you wrong. Ask the question to the streamer you stupid clown.

Why would I do the work for you? You seem to be incapable of proving me wrong.

There is no work to be done. I know the answer. I just want you to accept it… :clown_face:

Why would I accept a falsehood? I know you can’t provide proof of anything, so why would I budge?

You will accept the truth when you hear it from the expert I presented to you.

You won’t listen to me because your deranged brain is in overdrive with all kinds of hormones right now.

Which is why you are wasting your time arguing a losing argument with me over something you are 100% wrong about.

YOu are so mad you can’t give up.

I’ve tilted you beyond omega level.

Provide this evidence then. Get him talking about it.

That makes no sense.

LUL you are so mad you are spending hours debating a non issue that you are wrong about.

Tell me you are tilted without telling me.

Lol, irony?

I think both of you should just move on, you’re wasting each others time by replying like this. Nothing’s progressing, nothing’s being said, it’s just a back and forth of nothing.

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I’m glad I rustled your jimmies so hard you can’t leave. The last guy that did this never returned.

He overheated so much he made 5 threads about me. You remind me of him.

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