Loot council is always one item away from drama

You realize you are just coping I have bis weapons without trying hard right? I went to 1 NAX 25 and bam, BIS.

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I’m guessing he bought both items in a gdkp and has grey parses so is posting on an alt.

I got my bis weapon in a LC guild in week 1 lol.

parsing is dependent on loot too ofc

Frosty went back to the whole “Back in a corner, time to say salt over and over again while I hide my tears and logs because I keep hitting Envenom too earlier and refreshing too soon and thus my poison damage is dumpstered and my logs are grey.”

I’m going to go shower off the bad. Have fun bois.

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I don’t have gold, nope.

You don’t seem to understand I don’t care about parses and just want gear. I’m laughing at you thinking I care about parses at all.

I don’t care. We didn’t even log. No one cares. We killed the bosses and got the loot.

I’m a gigachad, you are a gigasoy parser.

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That’s all the forums are my friend. This is a zoo and all you can do is feed them.

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If I had both bis I would be running arena not posting on forums. Different strokes for different folks

Oh I will be. I just have to get the weekly salt farm done first.

If I had both bis I would put bis enchants on them before I claimed I was rocking bis lol.


The weapons are BIS not the enchant. I’ve been clear. I was thinking of putting lifeward on for the ultimate BM.

The weapons not bis until they have bis enchants on them. They are currently second bis because they don’t have the best enchants.

I can’t wait to leave baby’s first raid. Hardmode/Heroic is going to really show the difference.

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You sound like a politician right now, “I will bring jobs back” “I have both bis” but won’t give us proof nor can back up the claims. If you have both bis esp from 1 raid that’s crazy luck, idk why you would be so nervous to link main rather than brag about it on a alt.

I literally posted a picture of them. ARe you slow?

An Imgur picture with no name? What does that tell us? Nothing.

I clipped it myself. Stay salt :slight_smile:

I don’t even play melee chars so not salty at all

No that is just the salt talking. They are BIS even with no enchant. As in, you can’t get better ones this phase.

Post the pic with a todays news paper and you writing BiS on it.