The times they are a changin...regarding Duel Tournaments for cash prizes in WoW

Yea but if blizzard could use that in court or w/e all the hate group type guilds wouldn’t have gotten off the ground.

Yes, that is 100% correct, and Blizzard wasn’t allowed to go snooping through all of that to find out what group X is doing, unless someone snitched on them.

This is why Blizzard would not do anything for things like PUG ninja-looting (except when the rules were stated clearly in the raid chat), or why Blizzard refused to do anything about Goldshire, or even know about the NSA/CIA pretending to be recruiters for foreign agencies in WoW.

If people were gambling, they had better not be talking about it in public channels, that would be advertising, and Blizzard would do something about that.

face meet palm - blizzard owns the rights to everything that happens in game dude - they don’t need a court order to look through chat logs lol

Didn’t ever mention court orders. Corporate bureaucracy and rules. Blizzard wasn’t going to anger customers by delving too deep into whatever they were doing. Not when they’re making tons of cash themselves.

If you or Kevin think that Blizzard police guild chat, they don’t. They take a backseat until, and until, things like real life threats and crime get involved. Then, as you note Blizzard had everyone of us click on the agreement that anything we said would be used at Blizzard’s discretion.

Unless you have a claim that the tournament violated a crime, it’s unlikely Blizzard is going to go digging for private discussions in guild or not!

They had a website for organizing and promoted it via some gaming website. Stated the prize was $2000.

Imagine hating streamers so much and having no ammo for streamer preference so you try to find a loophole to have them banned and it isn’t even right.

I personally don’t have a problem with it, it’s up to the individual to protect themselves from scammers,not the government and not blizzard and you’re never going to be 100% safe

TOS change. Even laws change. Keeping the TOS the way it is for the sake of keeping it the way it is? No point. Come up with a better reason for not changing the TOS to allow player held tournaments. A better reason would be that player held tournaments don’t need to reward real money or out-of-game rewards. In-game rewards such as gold, consumables, and pride. Those things are fine. I’m sure others could come up with more creative in-game rewards.

Again, tournaments don’t have to involves real $$. There’s nothing wrong with in-game rewards such as gold, consumables, or just being that badass who won the tournament.

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As this person has said it pretty much how it gets looked at. I been in plenty of guilds that do prize stuff with in game currency etc, as long as it isn’t advertised not much comes of it.

tourney and stuff are as long as the prize is from the person hosting and people partaking do not have to buy in as he said. However again it you can not advertise within the game you can promote or whatever it in your discord, guild, stream etc, you just cant go around chat and trade chat advertising your event with cash money prizes. Betting is a whole different beast regardless of where you do as there are many laws depending where you live about online gambling for real life currency.

If they put out all the rules, how they selected players and if they had to ante some money, then I’ll take back everything I just said. They’d deserve the criticism full on. Advertising for gambling, etc. etc.

If it was just announcing that there was a tournament, and the top prize was $2000, I’d call it sketchy at best.

That said, the fact that no one is talking about where the money came from is telling. I’m almost certain that the participants chipped in, and someone’s making some cash by organizing it and skimming from the top.

There’s nothing wrong with strictly in-game rewards.

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Duh…they are streamers…this is their job. This is how they make money.
I didn’t save the link but it was some commercial gamer tournament site. I’ll post if I can find it again.

Nah…there was no entry fee that I recall reading. That $2000 just fell from the air…magic.


There’s nothing wrong with real world rewards either, so long as the distributors can be trusted, it’s up to you to make that judgement.
I ran many,many Tournaments at the Gurubashi arena’s between friends and we placed bets in the real world all the time, i won many a beer.

That’s the difference between a competition with a cash prize and gambling. If they had to put up money to be a part of the tournament, it’s no longer just a competition, it’s gambling, and advertising it is something Blizzard shouldn’t be part of.

When corporations have a sweepstakes, they have to tack on the ability to get a chance without buying anything. “No purchase necessary.” Otherwise, it’s gambling.

Look at it this way Manzo…they are professionals in the sense that playing wow is their job, how they make their living.

They don’t play like we do…for the fun of it.

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There are complications when real world rewards are involved. Blizzard probably doesn’t like complications.

so they wash their hands of it, better to take a minor PR hit for not ‘‘taking action against scammers’’ then be drowned in legalism that has little to do with them. it’s why they don’t take sides when folks ninja in game or when people are scammed out of in game gold/items ya.

Doesn’t matter, unless they are actually advertising for gambling, for people to buy in, then there’s legal complications, even moreso than Blizzard’s policies. In other countries where gambling isn’t allowed, such as China, allowing such advertising would be detrimental and Blizzard would face sanctions if they approved of anyone openly participating in gambling.

it was listed as a “private tournament”.
However it was organized is just that…private.

Did they talk about how those players were picked ?
Did they say where the $2000 prize money came from ?

Back then I’d have said “Who cares?” So in the spirit of #NoChanges, again i’ll say who cares?