The thicker Dracthyr model claim is PR

Ugh, just read the derpthyr for sure won’t be able to wear armor. Outside of shoulders, belts and tabard, they only have some derpthyr armor to choose in the barber shop. So, they’re kinda like druid forms. Considering they’re humaniod and based on the worgen model, people for sure are going to consider this laziness. I think I will too.

I could understand not being able to use helms and cloaks, but to not make all the other armor items work on them… I dunno, man. That feels kinda bad. It’s also shortsighted. If they put in the effort to make armor work on them it’ll work for the rest of the game going forward. If they don’t, then people will be frustrated by the lack of options and they’ll have to keep adding new derpthyr armor options to the barber shop (which you know they’ll do at a trickle, if at all, after Dragonflight ends).

Bite the bullet, Blizz, save yourself a headache for the rest of the life of the game, put in the work now to make armor work on derpthyr.


I can certainly see that personal preferences might have played a role in the original design without the person making that decision realizing that others might have different ideas.

I’s hilarious to me too, but also true :wink: My daughter is just shy of 20. she is far more aware of things than I am. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just imagining a parent shouting down the hall “Honey, what’s a bara daddy?” and the kid being mortified

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She hides her embarrassment well. :wink:

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Quit projecting buddy, this is a personal issue for you to figure out.

We need more models imo. More classes. These models could have been used for a druid sort of class sadly : /

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You have to remember there an Experiment of the black dragon flight
So they won’t look like other dragons


I just want a good expansion. If that means that is what they can do with the model they have already created I honestly don’t think it’s important. But that’s me. Customization seems to take up a huge chunk of our expansion features lately.

Countless different ideas. They decided to go with this. It isn’t bad. I dig it.

The only thing I would like to see changed is allow it to pull our equipped items to those slots. This is usually the norm so I think they likely ran into a problem. If it can’t be done I still love them

Given the overall response to them, not sure the new ultra-restrictive Worgen-like class is a win for Bliz.

Certainly ruined the expansion announcement for me: Been waiting YEARS for a new ranged class and then it finally comes … attached to one race and one race only … and I have to be an unmogged animal to play it.

The minute they said “Dracthyr can only be evokers and evokers can only be Dracthyr” I felt all my excitement from the cinematic leave my body and I watched the rest of the announcement like I would a public service message. Think I yawned at one point.


I had the same thought as well, thinking that if they had the bulkier model they would have showed it during the presentation when showing off the other customization options but at least after claiming it exists. Seems like a stupid move; Blizzard would have generated better good will for them if they said “we see people want bulkier Dracthyr so we are working on them now.”

That’s why feed backs are important and even necessary

They should allow people to play on both forms. The humanoid form is fine and the dragonic form just needs some little tweaks.

It isn’t what you wanted. It happens. move on

I don’t think human form gameplay is even possible. The dracthyr look fine. I actually think the visage forms are bizarre but ok.

I admit a thicker more ‘upper buff’ to the chest for the male dimorphism at least would be great.

They’re very flat looking.

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If only they had separate departments that worked on different things…

WoW predominantly male playerbase saying they’ll refuse to play Dracthyr if the men aren’t buff muscular sex icons. Do they even see the irony?

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nah, there are possibilities for human form to be available during combat like just look at dh eye beam ability.