The thicker Dracthyr model claim is PR

Before that claim the dev that designed the Dracthyr liked a tweet that said

" they’re ranged DPS and healers why would they be big"

the idea that only big burly men can be tanks but only small submissive petite breedable curvy women can be healers is so dated it’s 2022 blizzard wake up

So yeah we didn’t see the big model cause it’s them just taking feedback and going to act like they coincidentally only showed us the Androgynous models.


You should loosen up that tinfoil hat my friend, I think it’s cutting circulation to your brain.


We all know male orc casters are small and skinny.


I’m just saying the dev liking tweets defending the skinny model then blizzard later saying " oh yeah there’s bigger models"

Is just flat out pr

Yeah Guldan fighting Durotan… just small frail casters


who cares if its pre planned or action adjusted based on feed back if the end result gets more OPTIONS than what was shown. :thinking:




I think they always planned on having not just a bigger model. Also a skinnier model then shown. We were hardly shown any customization at all.

They basically re-skinned the human female and the blood elf male and slapped it under Worgen rules and made a classic EQ Iskar. I done lothe it, but I’m not drawn to it.

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Wait… someone liking a tweet is your “evidence”…



Dude he was liking all the tweets defending the skinny model

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I don’t think it needs defending. many like it. Having options is nice though.


You are right.

Ok guys, thats a wrap, Columbo here has solved the case of the developer liking positive posts.


It is more to me that the creator clearly intended them to look a certain way.

Blizzard PR is telling us they’re bigger models they didn’t show us.

It is cap

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I figure what will happen since we don’t and likely will never have sliders is we’ll get three body options. small, medium and large. that will be the extent of the “size customization”

I would love for them to start using sliders, but I just don’t see it happening.

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There’s actually a screenshot of it on Wowhead on the article where the dev is quoted talking about the thicker model, but… ya know. Believe your conspiracies, I guess.

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That’s a huge twist of words for a like on a tweet

Relax it’ll be ok

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Options… that’s all that matters here. If someone wants to play a lizard caster then let them, however if someone wants a more beefier dragon then they should have that option as well. I have no interest in playing an anorexic lizard so blizzard has to ensure the Dracthyr customization is on point.


That’s where I’m at. I think the skinny option should absolutely be a thing for those who want it. I’d like something beefy though and I hope Blizzard gives that option as well.


How distorted does your perspective of body size/shape have to be to think the current Dracthyr models look anorexic?


They look severely underweight to their other dragon counterparts so yes they look “anorexic” sorry if you didn’t catch the joke.