The thicker Dracthyr model claim is PR

I’m more of the mindset that they said for years now the reason we couldn’t get body sliders/different physical models was cause the preset race defaults wouldn’t allow it…

Now: new race which can choose physique…

Okay… so when can we see this for ALL races?


They don’t look skeletal. They still clearly have musculature and weight to them. They’re just smaller.

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I want a skinny male dwarf caster with wide berthing hips and some junk in the trunk.

They all look the same…


No, the one on the right has a clearly significantly thicker neck.

h ttps://

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They’re “severely” smaller and don’t look like any sort of dragon inside the warcraft universe. Like I said before they look like lizards.


I think you stated the same in another thread op, but I don’t take it as just pr.

You can look at my history and clearly see I’m not a wow white knight, but I will take this as a win that blizz is showing support on player feedback as early as the pre-alpha stage and I’m optimistic on how this beta will go with feedback and coms.

Time will tell, but this is still a w

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I wouldn’t go that far XD, but, in regards to Draenei men:

Who cares? If it gets people models they want it doesn’t matter how Blizzard arrived at the decision to give the option.


Thats just dust from a wing buffet in my eye. :cry:


Player models being hulks aside…

The movie was a different canon, even then the point of that scene was showing that Gul’dan was dishonorable by sneaking sips of Durotan to empower himself, he wasn’t fighting with his own strength.

In the game canon, both the MU and AU Gul’dans were born crippled and deformed, effectively unable to walk without a crutch, and any physical strength they had came from getting hopped up on that good, good fel juice.

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Cool can we get more PR where they tell us we’ll be able to fight outside of dragon form?

I guess orcs, Tauren and KT humans (and any other male race in the game, though those 3 stand out) can’t heal anymore?

Oh, wait, they can, I do it myself.

Let the dragons be slick like blood elves. People seem to like playing that body type more than the big guys anyway.

If you want a big burly man healer orcs, Tauren, and KT are there for you.


Agreed. I don’t care what the difference between the models are, doesn’t have to be male and female, could be tall and thin and short and bulky, whatever, but if they’d only had one model, even if they put a lot of work into it and gave a lore reason for it, it would just come across as laziness to a lot of people.

It happened with the Chua in WildStar. They had lore reasons why you couldn’t tell the males from the females, and only had one body type, and people thought it was just laziness. They got to design half a race with a bit of handwaving. And for the life of the game players not only called it lazy but also begged for more female options (for an androgynous race they sure had a lot of male options, like they designed the male and then were like, that’s enough, launch the game).

So to at least avoid the laziness accusations derpthyr should have two body options. Like I said, doesn’t have to be male and female, but they shouldn’t have fewer options than other races.

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This is still the weirdest part to me. If they want to use blood eves, use blood elves. If they want to use humans, use humans. Personally, I think they should use one or two races on each faction. Like, Alliance should get humans and, I dunno, void elves? Gnomes? And the Horde should get blood elves and, I dunno, trolls? Tauren? Having their race be half blood elf model and half human model is just intensely dumb.


I for one would prefer a bara daddy dragon than a thin lanky twink dragon.

The best thing would be to let us choose to have a bara or twink dargun.


Should I go look up what “bara” means or will I be scarred for life?

Bara is, I think, anime for big swole thicc buff burly type guy.

It’s also a by men for men nsfw manga gene.

Aha gotcha!

Normally I ask my kid what things mean, but she is in class atm. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is hilarious to me.