"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

I agree! Then again, in cata, guilds were a must! Can you imaging any guild or building a FORTY man raid today without cross realms? :wink:

They aren’t gonna do anything, its lip service. And honestly they can’t, especially since their focus is the bottom line. Any change they make would lose them a ton of money. So its going to be business as usual.


Yes, LFR has a lot of benefits than normal pugging doesn’t have. However, it is close enough to normal that I can’t understand why someone would say it isn’t raiding. In all significant aspects it is raiding imo.


If that is the case then Alchemy is the biggest community driven thing in the world. You are assuming that people actually care about who gets those pants or whatever piece it was. Most people threw those bad boys on the auction house and turned around and got like 150k or whatever amount at the time. For all they care they sold them to a vendor for that amount.

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Of course it is. I have seen it go “Raids” much smoother and faster in LFR then sitting around for ten minute lectures on what to do, how to do it and the age old “Wipe” because the tool that instructs everyone messes up :slight_smile:

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They don’t have to. It came from another player, it’s a community thing by default.

Honestly, I’d like for them to implement a Mythic 10 Man raid difficulty. Getting 20 Mythic raiders is a challenge in of itself, and re-adding 10 Man Raiding would encourage smaller realms, communities, and guilds to push Mythic.

Now, for the sake of the Mythic 20 Man Raiders, there should be something that doesn’t decentivise them. Maybe gate 10 Man behind the World First? Possibly open it a week after M20 opens?

By including Mythic 10, smaller communities can flourish again…otherwise they are doomed to rot away as player count atrophies.

95%+ forms of loot are “community” things then. My 415 cloak I got on my hunter from the warfront two days ago was a “community” thing since I needed 19 other bodies to queue for it. Without 19 other bodies I would have never gotten that cloak.

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So, merging dead servers into live ones, updating guild controls to back to what they were before, more guild rewards, more giveaways, more interviews with people like Sloot, Bellular, Jesse Cox?

Again, not what I said.

Actually this is an issue i been saying for a long time, Normal is joke.

I actually agree with you, normal is closer in difficulty to LFR that it is to heroic.

Nope. 95% of loot is random drops that can’t be crafted by professionals.

Random drops that require a “community” of 5-30 people to participate in the item to drop at all right?

they are with classic bc it will never happen in retail that ship has sailed

Go ahead and disable Raider io as well.

Even more irony… I’m super casual, yet I’m on the game for a minimum of 5 hours every day. I’m super un-productive.

Not really. It’s super-duper easy mode.

Just like with the Level Squish, the Risks outweigh the Rewards.

You’d improve the amount of interaction between players, certainly…but you’d also have fewer Players (and thus fewer sources of Revenue).

The fallacy of the “Going back to the Good ole days” is exactly that; you can’t. Many of the Vanilla Raiders who built the community have moved on for good and no amount of “Classic” Servers, Classic-minded revisions or other such will bring them back.

The past is the past. Accept it and look forward…or be left behind.


You may be right, but if Classic fails, most aren’t coming back to retail. In fact, most players wanting Classic weren’t playing retail…they were attempting to play Vanilla in…other ways…

I’ll certainly try Classic if I hear good things…but I, like most of my WoW friends before me, am just watching my sub tick down. Whether I buy a month when it finally drops, will depend on what they’ve created.

I’m actually very productive in my everyday life and I can somehow manage to raid 6 hours a week with my guild. If you actually want to do something you will make time for it. Problem is a lot of people don’t want to face the fact this inherently MMORPG games are tailored around groups of players doing content together.

If you simply lack time or the dedication to player your character better then you can’t really complain about someone else getting better loot, mounts ect. The issue I see with WoW is they deviated from the MMORPG formula and rewards everyone on the same scale regardless if you put the time and acquired the skill to get the better loot.

Well as long as they use CRZ/Sharding your not going to have anything like this.