"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"


If you are serious go ahead and remove LFR now.


They’d also have to remove cross-realming, flex raiding, loot-based lockouts, and personal loot.

So yeah, it’s not happening.


How is lfr taking away from the wow community. Honestly if you want to group up and do stuff with a community you do normal/heroic and such (or pvp). Removing lfr would have no benefit to emphasizing the community.


Truth, people that think removing lfr has an effect on community are just confused


Maybe they should have thought harder before driving away most of the playerbase with their control freak changes to the game. If they remove queuing there will be no one to play with on most servers.


That’s cool.

Maybe they can start listening to the ideas about we’ve posted for the past 8 years.


maybe don’t lay off community managers.


I make friends all the time in wow, I love this game but compared to classic there is no need to make friends
vanilla forced you to make friends so if they want this to happen there can’t be anymore mind nobbing content.


What does lfr have to do with that? Do you really think the kind of people that only do lfr are going to join a guild or community to raid regularly if it’s gone? I seriously doubt it.


Blizzard has a challenge on their hands with it.

LFR doesn’t promote community - but neither does raiding, not anymore. Too many people are just ‘over it’ and simply don’t want to do that (or pvp) anymore.

So what Blizzard has to do is figure out how to get all the ex-raiders an ex-pvprs to somehow be interested in sticking around and building community up.

That’s not going to be an easy job for them, especially with their track record of ignoring player feedback about that.


Eh, it’s debatable. You could argue that if LFR were removed, people who wanted to see the raids would be forced to make groups on their own or at the very least get in contact with someone making a group. Personally, I don’t think it would work. Those people probably just wouldn’t raid at all. Maybe if they put in a super-easy tourist mode or something. The community is just too different now from how it used to be.


There’s nothing Blizzard could do to make me want to raid or PvP again. But that’s just me.


Yeah, I get that - because I’m in the same situation.

So how does Blizzard build community when so much of the playerbase -already- did years on the raid & pvp treadmills and are over it?


Soon, classic wow is coming and the community will come back.


There is no community in WoW anymore outside of a few guilds here and there. Everyone else just views everyone else as a means to loot.


Only way to do it is to force cooperation to level again like in the older version. Perhaps with a level squish, leading to longer individual levels, they could replicate some of it.

The truth is, the complete dumbing down and removal of player agency has driven most of the “casual hardcores” out of the game. So, they either start reverting all the things lost over the years, or they just roll along w current people who enjoy the easy mode nature of current retail, and ride them until they slip game into maintenance only mode, or ftp.

It’s possible they could make some changes based off Classic feedback and how well it is received, but I’m not sure they’re up to that anymore, even if Classic is a resounding success. And who knows how that will go, hopefully well.


I had an idea that was instantly shot down - one of the hallmarks of early WoW was the creation of new servers, which created new communities with a common interest. New servers were made well into the first couple of years of WoW. There were players wanting to roll a character on a new server - that “new server smell” as they called it. Back before server transfers were possible, it was a way to start off on the ground floor with a whole new group of players.

Server communities have since largely disappeared. Server forums are only for guild recruitment anymore. They slowly died from neglect and not much was done about it.

I get that we don’t need new servers with the WoW population apparently in decline as it. But there has to be someway to get people to want to come together again. Joining an existing guild run by and populated with strangers that really don’t want to know much about you other than if you’ll be attending the next scheduled raid doesn’t cut it for me anymore. I’m done with that.


You mean the community will realize that their rose-tinted goggles of nostalgia were strapped on way too tight and it’s just not the same as it was.


you remove lfr or lfg, and a lot of the community will leave too.

think first.


oh look troll returns cause its a free weekend.