"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Either you haven’t done normal or you haven’t being doing LFR, I can’t tell which.

Normal isn’t that hard but it sure as hell not as easy as LFR. In Normal you at least have to adhere to the mechanics.

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I mean I haven’t lately… but when I did actual raiding, it wasn’t as simple as LFR.

Eh, it’s basically just as easy. The only thing they really change is stuff that may require some knowledge of the fight or communication, like the Mekkatorque bot mechanic.

There were PUGs in Wrath. Lots of them. All the time. It was amazing. There were people constantly running PUG raids. There were trash farming clears in Sunwell, BT, and Hyjal in BC.

It was amazing for your alt. And then there were the GDKP runs which were also ALOT of fun.

Hi! LFR hero here (last time I pug raided was in WoD, it was toxic). I just want you the OP to know that I’ve never since BC had any interest in joining a guild other than a few RL friends and before LFR I simply never raided (and didn’t even do it in Cata because I was too intimidated). Now that’s a little fun thing I can do so I don’t die 10 times because my AoE hit an eagle and a wolf out in the world. I actually resubbed to wrath BECAUSE they introduced LFD, before that you either had a higher level character “run” you through while you watched or just didn’t do them.

These systems exist for a reason, not everyone is even LOOKING for a community in this game. Those who want it have to create it, it cannot be forced.


Okay, we’re going off topic. Let’s go back to your original message:

You could always choose the people you played with, even before LFR / LFG. So your argument is invalid.

The power highly sensitive people now have to dictate how others play the game has had far more of a wide ranging impact on the community than LFR.

In my most humble of opinions.

LFR could promote community if it wasn’t cross realm. But then it wouldn’t work very well.

Community is a result of other people being required. If they’re required, you value them. If you value them, you have a community.

If you don’t value them, you have a toxic dumpster fire floating down the river.

The trick will be finding the line between requiring other players (hardcore element) and maintaining convenience. Because if you lose casuals, you lose the game.

It might be a genre problem. The more elite people get in MMOs, the more toxic they seem to become, even though they still need people. In a game like hearthstone, the better someone gets, the more it seems like they want to help you get better, even though technically everyone is a competitor.

Let’s hope it’s not that. I mean, blizzard did rediscover how to create spontaneous wpvp in this dump expac (something everyone thought was impossible). Maybe they can fix it.

The basic game structures such as CRZ and sharding are against community. With those the only community that can thrive is guilds.

People are never going to be a community if all the people they see in the world are from other servers. Blizzard knows that is an issue or else they wouldn’t have removed CRZ on RPing servers and sharding when possible.

I just did the assault on a character - not a single person from my server. I clicked the green icon and hopped to another server to kill the elites that required it. Not a word was said. You aren’t going to tell me I am the only one, from 2 high population servers that were connected, out there doing them from those servers. I just don’t see them.

Without CRZ and sharding, I would see people from my server. I would seek them out to help with the elites.

LFR doesn’t affect community, nor really does LFD, since there are plenty of activities in the game like mythic + and normal plus raiding that you need people for. People keep blaming LFR but CRZ happened almost the same time as LFR.


Only bad players complain about RaiderIO.

Fundamentally, LFR creates a situation where you can beat the game without needing friends or socializing. Sure, it’s a bit tragic to the very niche group of players who can’t simply do Normal for whatever odd reason, but the much bigger tragedy is the players who can do real raiding and can socialize, but didn’t, because LFR was there to be their path of least resistance.

If Blizzard wants to put emphasis of community back in WoW, then they need to look at what systems allow players to beat the game without having to be part of the community.

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If someone can raid normal instead of LFR they will. LFR isn’t the path of least resistance at all.

I have a guild that I can go do normal each week, however, they raid later than I am on. Why would I not spend 1-2 hours to do a complete normal clear than spend 4 plus hours including queues doing a clear of LFR.

I tend not to do either right now but removing LFR isn’t going to make me rearrange my RL schedule in order to raid. The story in raids means nothing to me, nor does the gear in raids either for that matter. With ilvl scaling gear is basically pointless.

I was just out doing WQ on my second feral with 387 gear. I am having to hit mobs 9 times usually to kill them same as when I was in ilvl 320 gear - all that time spent collecting gear was totally pointless.

A specious position. Playing reduced encounters for significantly inferior gear is not “beating the game.”

Many if not most of the people who do only LFR wouldn’t be doing Normal+ without it, or without a way to queue instead for Normal+.


Of course it’s the path of least resistance. You don’t have to communicate or learn mechanics to beat these bosses. You’ll even see players just auto attack. For a new player, learning boss mechanics and talking to people is a bit intimidating at first, so even if they can do Normal it’s much easier to stay in their comfort zone and beat the game that way.

Sure it is. When LFR was released in Cata, you killed Deathwing. You killed the main antagonist. You get the same “congrats, you did it!”. Heck, you even get the same gear, just at a lower ilvl. As far as you’re concerned, you won at WoW. Who cares if you can redo the same content at a higher difficulty for the same gear at a higher ilvl?

This isn’t true. Normal is very casual friendly.

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I don’t have to do that with my guild when I do normal plus either. I just don’t raid the first month, then everyone else has learned the fight and it isn’t as important for me to be perfect.

Yes and all these mythical ’ new players’ - think of the new players… lol

Oh, btw, most of those people who auto attack in LFR, they are normal plus raiders.

LFR and Normal aren’t designed around your experience with however your guild carries you. As for the new players, it makes sense why people don’t want to stay when they can beat the game easily and ended up with no friends along the way.

So Op,you want to get rid of LFR because you believe it is the cause of community division.It’s not .People (culture) are the cause of division not the design of the game.To make people want to be the same as you is like trying fit a square peg in a round circle,their going to do what’s fits them everytime.

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Doing LFR isn’t beating the game and guess what are you sure you even KNOW what community is.

On point.