"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Classic will have an audience. It is a very solid MMO. Sure, some the game play is dull, but live also has a ton dull game play too. Class design for me is probably the worst it has ever been. I’d happily take those imbalanced, underdeveloped specs from Classic any day over what we have now. At least the game felt like a RPG.

Classic won’t have the same community it had 14 years ago either, but it will be a hell of a lot of better than live.

My own experience playing Nost a few years ago gave me a taste of what we will expect in Classic. The lack of group finders does force people together more and this idea that it will be hard to find groups is another hyperbole that regularly spewed on these forums. As long as the populations are healthy, finding people for dungeons and other activities won’t be an issue.

My message to people that love retail, listen to your own advice and stop being “elitist jerks” and attacking people for liking something that you don’t care for. I swear the people that frequent these forums love just to crap all over people that are looking forward to Classic.

Stop worrying about the live game too, Blizzard is never going to remove your precious LFR, just ignore these threads and stop feeding these dinguses that make these threads.


I doubt many Nilla players will come back to the game of old, I know it wouldn’t be a draw for me or the other r/l friends I played with then. Blizzard my not have done it right from xpac to xpac but they/expansions were definitely needed, because like all games of this genre they go stale.

Personally, I’ll not travel back for the simply “Been there done that” reason… Nilla WoW for the original players was nothing more then a buggy, frustrating system with exploits galore and guilds that eventually fell to drama queens and GM that decided they needed to sell off guilds and their Gbanks to third party Asian gold farmers and brokers, because they worked harder for it then the members…

I’m telling you guys. Guild halls can help!

Acting like professions have ever been a community thing. You go out and herb/mine/skin to make things and throw them up on the auction house. How it has literally always been.

Hmm, I wonder where your evidence is for this? Retro gaming is probably the most popular it has ever been. Just look at Old School Runescape. That game is quite popular and those graphics look like something from the early 90s.

I never understood why people are so jaded about people wanting to play an older version of a online game? I think it is funny that people are totally fine with people enjoying old Nintendo games and other old amazing titles, but when it comes to older MMOs, they are like in total denial that people just might enjoy it.

Because it will not be like the old Nilla. It will be different in many ways and those that played fifteen years ago are very different people now :wink:

And sure Ultima Online still has a following, but it’s boring and only a few still play, is that the goal here?

Did LFR give you a wedgie in high school?


If they want to bring community back, they’ll need to get rid of sharding (and possibly LFG).

When everyone you group with is on the same server, you get a reputation and you seek people out that you’ve had a good experience with.

If eliminating sharding isn’t enough get rid of LFG and go back to trade channel spamming. I may be a minority, but even kind of miss finding my way to dungeon entrances.


The amount of socializing in LFR is nowhere near the same as the socializing as being in a guild / actually communicating with players like you had to back in the day.

As much as I hate to admit I actually remember specific forum posters and what/how they say things, I’ve noticed the change in your responses as well over time.

This fills me with a certain amount of self-loathing because it means I admit I remember some of you, and I’m sure some of you all literally live and die for minute amounts of attention such as this (not you specifically, but ones that may be reading this), but I hope you’re ok and if Blizz doesnt value loyal fans such as us, I know for a fact other developers do. Not all, but some do.

I have to go loathe myself now, but I figured it was worth it. We dont agree on stuff, but that doesn’t mean I dont want you to be ok.

Craftable BiS gear that was tradable isn’t related to strengthening the community? Yeah, no. You’re wrong.

The community was originally server based. You knew the good and the bad on your server. Who to avoid, and who to add to your friends list.

Cross server server tech of all types killed that.

They were so desperate to mask the high and low point variance of subscriptions that they cut the nose off to spite the face.

The only “community” left in this game is in guilds, and even those are hard to find.

TLDR: The “community” ship has sailed.


Peeps look at it wrong. I see cross realms as a Planet, when at one time we were bound to islands. There was more discontent when realms populations fell off and those dwellers could barely manage raids within their own factions…

Normal requires manual inviting and sorting.
Normal requires I do the entire raid instead of a few bosses at a time.
With LFR I can join whenever I want, and leave whenever I want. I’m not stuck with all the bosses.

While I have the skill and desire to do real raiding, my physical disabilities hold me back in that regard.


They should have merged servers instead of linking players up with the equivalent of bots.

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And that plays right back in to the whole elitism problem with World of Warcraft… Blizzard had to come up with a system that curbed this type of cancer or every realm would have simply become a addon that elitist followed and if you were unlucky enough to make that list, then you didn’t have much fun for your buck!


I agree, then again lets not ignore Blizzards greed transfers :slight_smile: And again, merging would “As we see in this thread” made the elitist very unhappy having their happy lil homes melded in with better elitist guilds on existing realms!

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I think it actually encouraged people to band together more than what we see today. My favorite times in the game were when I relied on my guild to get things done. I haven’t found a decent one to be part of since Cata, so I play on and off. Nor do I feel compelled to find one, because I can LFR and loot pinata once or twice a week and feel some small sense of progression for my toons.

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For people who have time for community theres classic.

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There it is, thread winner! Diversity in game play and choice of one spends his r/l time!

Of course this is were we will here from the dedicated how these types of options is for the welfare players and the need to please them with purple gears for very little effort!

The irony is, in real life the casual players is actually productive in R/L whereas the dedicated players somehow finds time to play three times more then the people they consider “Welfare” players LMAO :slight_smile:

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