"The team wants to put the emphasis of community back into WoW"

Umm no, that is not what I said at all.
I DID say that LFR/LFG removes the need to tolerate the bad behaviour of some guilds. People can now ‘choose’ who they want to socialize with without fearing the loss of participating in the content.

(Also yes in LFR/LFG you do have to deal with people, you are not however held hostage to the whims of questionable guilds.)

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When I was subbed I did emissaries, boat missions, warfronts and incursions on my 4 120s and was leveling 6 allied race alts. I did PvP only when I needed Marks of Honor. All my 120s outgear current LFR or they’d be doing that.

Pretty much all I have been doing lately is leveling alts, and I would have to say that leveling does not feel slow at all. And leveling to 120 is not a chore, nothing really in this game is a chore, it’s all meant to pass time ultimately. What people lack these days is patience and mindfulness of those around them. So what if a friend who is new to the game takes a week to get to lvl cap? Can you not type in /gchat? Can you not talk in discord? Can you not create an alt to level with them? There are plenty of ways that people can interact, HAVING to do end content together is completely a self made problem.


Classic wasn’t that great(IMO), and I certainly won’t be wasting my time playing it. Now, if they re-released TBC a year later, with flight implemented the way it was when TBC was released the first time, that I might play. Regular classic, no thanks, I’ll pass. Y’all have fun in it though.

As for them wanting to put the emphasis of community back into WoW, pfft, they’ll need a different dev team for that. The current dev team has done nothing but drive away and break up the spirit of community in WoW since they got the job. /spit

Semper Fi! :us:


0-2. Man, you really suck at this stuff.

You can disagree with guilds as gatekeepers, but there needs to be something encouraging actual interaction between players.

And people have been forcing other people to do a lot of things for thousands of years.

You and others insist on missing the point:
If you want people to join your guild, your community in Wow or in real life, the onus is on --you-- to have a guild or community that is appealing or attractive to them.
You, your behaviour, and the things you do (events etc) are the way to your success, or failure.

This applies to everything in life, not just game environments.
Your church, your club, your group even you, yourself; if you aren’t appealing to others in some way at a social level, you will remain alone.
You can’t force people to like you, or want to be around you.

Step number one is very obvious from the replies. However, if you and the others don’t see it yourselves, there really is no way to help you.


What if they brought back the weekly raid quests like they used to have in Wrath? It’s not LFR, and it might help people build connections on their servers. I always liked it. I don’t know, just throwing that out there.

First, I specifically said this doesn’t have to be guilds. In fact, guilds are something beyond what we’re talking about.

To do that, we need to actually have the ability to have a community. Something that was taken away when Blizz caved to the “but I deserve stuff” crowd.

If we have the actual ability of a community, the good and bad will shake themselves out naturally, as they did before this was a single player game.


LFR is not real raiding.


The legit only way you’ll ever get the original community feel back is if you get rid of cross-server-platforming that you’ve adopted so strongly. There is no community because you just threw the whole player base into a single pool. Legit, the guy you see in a dungeon, if not in your guild, you’ll likely never see again.

Back when it was server-only there were real consequences and relationship building. If you made a bad name for yourself you legitimately hurt yourself and probably had to start over on a different server or a completely different name.

Effectively the game is twitter right now. Nothing you say or do matters and the level of anonymity creates a vacuum where once there was community.


I think the only way for the devs to understand where we are all coming from is if they actually play the game themselves. When is the last time Ion or Lore rolled a new character and experienced the game anonymously?

I challenge them to roll a new character and stream it live. Show the player base you actually do play the game. Let’s have some real feedback for a change. Talk to players in the game and ask them how they feel about the state of the game right now. Ask them what they feel would be an improvement. What works well and what doesn’t work. Instead of Tweeters who only want more followers commenting, how about asking players who do not follow Twitter? Instead of all the constant whining on the forums, ask the players who are in the game who may not even visit the forums any more because of all the toxic rhetoric?


I wonder how many of those 30 Likes are your alts, OP.

Going to have to agree with this, and I only do LFR. It’s more akin to a Heroic dungeon with +20 people.

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I don’t believe we’re supposed to take that pronouncement seriously. No way are they going to go back and undo 9.5 years of sloppy development.

Yep, we had a strong ten man raiding guild back in Cata doing normal easily and going into heroic (now mythic) They should have just left the levels as they were named. i liked when Flex raiding came around and the way it was named, it was perfect for me, and a lot of people who wanted casual but something a step above lfr.

I rarely grouped while questing, less exp, I certainly never quested in groups of five. I did have fun running heroic dungeons back in Wrath for achievements and fun with my guild. But honestly…rose colored glasses.

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WoW has a community, and it’s trash. Why is it trash? Players like yourself. Look in the mirror, examine your overall attitude, and you will clearly see why LFR is both popular and still around. Casual players don’t want to play with players like you, and LFR allows us to avoid you. Players wanting to control what other players see and experience may have worked in Everquest and Vanilla, but it won’t work in modern games.

It didn’t. That’s why LFR was created in the first place. As much as players like yourself hate LFR, you consistently fail to realise and understand that you are one of the reasons as to why it’s here. The “but I deserve stuff crowd” as you called them, are sick of you. As in real life, instead of carpooling (guild raiding) with you to work, they would rather take the public transit (LFR).


Not much different than normal. If you pug normal and you pug LFR there just isn’t much different.

My guess, this is the typical elitist that critiques every thing you do, wear and knows what’s best for everyone in the raid! You know, the player that throws up DPS done after every boss encounter :slight_smile:

The “Something that was taken away when Blizz caved to the “but I deserve stuff” crowd.” pretty much shines the light of reality on this subject… The elitist “You need to work for it” has always had a very special spot in my heart over the decade and a half… This is the very stuff and attitude that has molded WoW in to what it is today :wink:


People overblow how “dead” the community is. I still see familiar names in chat and in the world. And if you join an active guild the sense of community is much stronger, even between guilds.


Calling it a “community” implies that it will be “just like it was” back then. It won’t be. It will be the same toxic, chest-beating, self-important techno-jerks they are now, trying to remember how (or more likely figure out how, since I’m fairly sure most of these people did not play vanilla at all, or otherwise they wouldn’t be wanting to bring it back) to play their character. All the Classic zealots point out Nostalrius’ million accounts. But no one happens to mention how many of them were active when Blizzard closed them down. 10% or less, in all likelihood, when people remembered just how much of a slog it was and collectively went “yeah, no”.

People think the game is mind-numbing NOW? Hoo, boy.

And that’s the problem I have with the clamor for Classic - mainly the idea that somehow, if you bring back the game as it was in the vanilla days, it will somehow be “all better”, it will not be “mind numbing”, the “community” will come back, so on. Except, as someone who has been around since then, the magic only worked at the beginning, the “community” was plenty toxic back then, and the mentality for raiding was similar to the people in group finder who demand you have Ahead of the Curve for a raid that’s only been open for five minutes to be in their group. (Plus the added bonus of attunements! Three hours running around Blackrock Depths with no maps or coherent sense of direction to attune for Molten Core, and hoping your group didn’t screw up and disintegrate halfway through, those were the days…)

Things have changed so dramatically since then that we would go back to the “old days” and go “what the hell were we thinking?”

Then people will be like “where’s this, where’s that, how come my class is so bad at this”, so on and so forth, and then they’ll finally give up and they’ll come crawling back to the main game with its LFR and its disappearing portals. And deep down, part of me thinks this is what Blizzard has in mind. That whole “you think you want it but you don’t” bit.